Between antiques and youth
The fairs of this country properly are regulated by the mayorships and they are located in concurred public seats. In São Paulo, city heart of this nation, exists establishments that guarantee that this national tradition remains use still in the heat of. An example is the Benedito Calixto, that has become o'clock forced of meeting for youngest.
SÃO PAULO. The fairs of antiques and crafts have been integrated of excessively to the Brazilian culture, and are present in almost all the cities del country. Where there is a seat, one of these samples exists, a place where the craftsmen exhibit their creations and the community meets to buy, to drink, to talk with the friends or simply to pass a good moment.
The Brazilian popular fairs are organized by each mayorship of the country, that classifies and registers to the salesmen, dividing them between craftsmen and antique dealers. Generally, there are waiting lists of those who wish to register themselves to participate, since the spaces of the seats are limited and sectored by the organizers, who also are in charge to control the public maintenance of order in the place.
This meeting of retailers is made regularly during a certain day of the week or the month, reason why many of the exhibitors participate in several of them in different municipalities from the country. This it is the case of craftswoman Cida Gomes, of 46 years, that make wood boxes which they serve like objects of decoration for the home. It has been selling her merchandise every Sunday in one of the fairs of the center of São Paulo for three years where she lives. Also, she travels once per month to the city of Londrina (located in the state of Parana, 400 kilometers to the west of São Paulo) to sell his works.
"As much movement is exhausting, but simultaneously he is very dynamic economically. Of this form, one ends up knowing many places and to diverse people ", the retailer counts.
When one is not in the fairs, Cida is producing its boxes and taking care of the orders of an increasing customer who has known it long it del time.
A city for craftsmen
The Brazilian state of São Paulo counts at least on 50 fairs of crafts and antiques, that work generally every Saturday or Sunday, where the cupos very are disputed between the salesmen.
The establishments of the Paulista Avenue and the Seat of the Republic in downtown are some of the few that work daily. The same it happens in Rio de Janeiro, in the popular fair of Ipanema, that lives finessed on tourists.
One of the fairs of more traditional antiques of São Paulo is the one of ' Bixigá, that exactly works each weekend in the old Italian district from its foundation in the san Seventies in the seat Orione and surrounded by specialistic paste restaurants and pizzas. Account with 260 salesmen properly registered and organized by the mayorship. One is a traditional flea market, where in addition to sales, a space for the accomplishment of the popular exchanges of different objects is generated.
In the paulistas fairs they buy and they walk the main decorators and Brazilian designers, in search of pieces of collection or new features. One of them is famous architect João Armentano, who has a collection of porcelain pigs in miniature, many of bought them in this type of places.
The more famous commercial congregation of the city is the located one in the Seat Benedito Calixto, in the district of Pinheiros (in the center), that was based on 1987 and works every Saturday. In addition to the 320 exhibitors and the hundreds of buyers that receive, the establishment is surrounded by excellent restaurants, where they are possible to be tasted Brazilian typical meals, to be drunk and to be talked, or simply to delight with the traditional musicians of ' Chorinhó, an old rate of this country.
The place also counts on a space in which writers appear to sign, to sell and to share their literary works.
The Seat Benedito Calixto is probably the best example of than the fairs are still effective. Besides to receive to specialists in antiques, and the Bohemians of always, it specially congregates to young people between the 15 and 35 years, for those who it is the point of contact of every Saturday.
Verónica Goyzueta
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Times of the World