Винтажное настроение Праги
«Под «винтажем» (vintage) подразумевают оригинальную или аутентичную вещь не моложе 20 лет, в которой четко виден «писк моды», отпечаток времени ее создания…»
Поиск именно таких вещей, а точнее, продавцов винтажа предстоял нашим Агентам в Праге.
Согласно заказу, Агенты должны были найти шесть точек продаж винтажа (блошиные рынки, частные лавки, магазины) и предоставить информацию о ценах, ассортименте, адресе, режиме работы и, конечно, прислать контакты и фотографии.
Главным и изрядно усложняющим работу Агентов условием было ограничение средней стоимости товара - она не должна была превышать 10 Евро.
Подробно описав задание и запустив поручения в работу, я и не надеялась получить информацию раньше, чем через неделю после активации поручения. Благо, времени у нас в запасе было достаточно.
Каково же было мое удивление, когда через несколько часов после запуска поручения, Агентами было подано уже пять вариантов!
Несколько дней у Агентов в Праге ушло на доработку вариантов – уточнение цен, фотографирование винтажных «штучек» и получение «частных» контактов продавцов винтажа.
Тем не менее, со всеми доработками ровно через неделю после активации заказа у Заказчика уже была полная и очень подробная информация о шести продавцах винтажа, включая фотографии и сайты лавочек и магазинов.
Чего там только не было! Броши, запонки, шляпки, сумочки, перчатки, зонтики, очки, платья, часы, игрушки, картины, предметы быта и интерьера из стекла, керамики, фарфора, аксессуары для сервировки стола, для курильщиков, для косметики и парфюмерии……. Целая кладезь винтажных вещей!
Выражаю огромную благодарность Агентам за проведенную работу и Заказчику за очень интересный заказ, доставивший мне истинное удовольствие… Ведь я пересмотрела столько фотографий с красивыми, редкими вещами, побывала на фантастично оформленных чешских сайтах и, как мне показалось, почувствовала настоящее винтажное настроение старой Праги.
Софья Шалыгина
Источник публикации: Агентство Особых Поручений, 16 Сентября 2009г.
Блошиные рынки и магазины Праги.
St Catherine Bazaar
St Catherine Bazaar, Katerinska, 13. Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00.
1. Antik Luma
In the basement of this street-side establishment resides an antique shop with an appropriately aged atmosphere. Rare store hours and a laid-back attitude,however, make shopping less than simple for potential customers. Inside is a selection of framed paintings, maps and other prints of good quality. In addition, small crafts and nic-nacs of rare kind speckle the store. The store is divided into several rooms offering a significant collection to explore.
Address: Dittrichova, 18 Prague 2 120 00
Opening hours: Midday-6pm Tue; 11am-6pm Wed
Telephone: +420 2 6242 8675
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Karlovo Namesti (Line B) Trams 3, 7, 16, 17, 21
2. Antikvariat Karel Kremek
Up to shoulder-height bookshelves fill most of the walls of the three rooms of this long barrel-vaulted shop. Above them hang prints, drawings and engravings dating from the 18th century to the present day.
The shop specialises in second-hand books and prints. The books are mostly Czech or German prints and the majority are not very old or valuable.
There is, however, a selection of rare books dating as far back as the 18th century, displayed in glass cabinets throughout the shop as well as original letters and poems hand-written by well known Czech writers and thinkers.
Address: Celetna, 31 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 10am-2pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2322 919
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Namesti Republiky (Line B) Trams 5, 8, 14 Namesti Republiky
3. Antique Music Instruments
In the last decade a number of antique shops have opened to serve the demands of both foreign visitors and locals. The genuine nature of the purported antiques is sometimes open to question, and potential customers should be aware of this in spite of the creation of the Society of Czech Antique Dealers.
The charming owner of this tiny shop sells violins and Russian icons, with the claim that they date from the 18th century. The veracity of such claims will have to be left up to the experts to decide, however, the shop is recommended for the audacious charm of its owner and the unbelievable list of the famous and beautiful who have allegedly shopped there.
A visit is entertaining if nothing else.
Address: Pohorelec, 45 Prague 1 118 00
Opening hours: 9am-6pm daily
Telephone: +420 2 2051 4287
Neighbourhood: Hradcany -- Castle District
Nearest train: Trams 12, 22, 23 Pohorelec
4. Bazar Zastavarna
The quality, presentation, and prices of the products in this bazaar will please its customers. The proprietors do a bustling business in a cramped space. But fighting the crowds is a small price to pay to get a peek at bargain price tags of everything from jewelry to video cameras. A large selection of electronics, standard and digital cameras, VCRs, CD and minidisc players, stereos, computers, necklaces, bracelets, watches and cellular phones adorn the showcases and store windows. Located in the heart of Karlovo Namesti (Charles Square) this bazaar has long and consistent store hours and receives a lot of traffic.
Address: Karlovo Namesti, 16 Prague 2 120 00
Opening hours: 9am-10pm daily
Telephone: +420 2 2561 3715
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Karlovo Namesti (Line B) Trams 3, 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24
5. Bric a Brac
Located in a courtyard off Tynska street, this shop, in what once must have been a stable, now stocks a different menagerie: from busts of Beethoven, leather trench coats, top hats and typewriters to more valuable antiques like glass vases and porcelain.
The goods are displayed on two long tables that run down the centre of the space and on shelves along its walls, and by some magic they give the appearance of being both cluttered and ordered at the same time.
There is no use trying to list even half of what is for sale here, its best to come and browse for yourself.
Address: Tynska, 7 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 11am-7pm daily
Telephone: +420 607 903862
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Staromestska (Line A)
6. AD Antik
This shop stocks a mixture of items of varying ages. There's glassware and porcelain as well as engravings, second hand books, coins and watches. The glassware dates back to the 19th century and it's displayed in glass cases along the shop's walls. The coins and watches are laid out under the shop's silver plated counter, making for a fine display.
Address: Skorepka, 8 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-1pm 2pm-6pm Mon-Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2423 4696
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Narodni Trida (Line B) Trams 6, 9, 22, 23 Narodni Trida
7. Akant Gallery
This single room gallery sells antique paintings and sculptures. The stock varies but the most recent work it sells dates from the first half of the 20th century. Acting as an agent for private parties wishing to sell their property, the stock tends to be the work of Czech masters. There are Cubist works as well as 18th landscapes and baroque sculptures.
Address: Revolucni, 19 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri
Telephone: +420 2 2171 5288
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Namesti Republiky (Line B) Trams 5, 8,14 Dlouha Trida
8. Antik Starozitnosti Shop
The cluttered windows of this antique shop's façade are impenetrable. With hundreds of items on display, pint-sized trinkets occupy every inch of this tiny establishment.
A wide variety of porcelain figurines and dishes, antique steins, jewellery, marionettes and toys of all ages are available for sifting through.
The small-store stature makes shopping difficult during busy hours but the selection in the windows is enough to occupy browsers while they wait.
Address: Jecna, 1 Prague 2 120 00
Opening hours: 9am-6pm Mon-Sat
Telephone: +420 2 229 2201
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Karlovo Namesti (Line B) Trams 3, 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24
9. Antikva Nova Kodl
Martin Kodl, the owner of this pair of galleries, is one of the city's few qualified evaluators of modern and antique Czech art. His firm is an attempt to establish a Czech version of Sotheby's in the country. With regular auctions organised monthly, most recently a retrospective of the work of Czech Cubist Emille Fiala, the company is certainly beginning to fulfil this role. The galleries display works to be auctioned as well as work with set prices. Though the pieces are quite small, they are pleasantly laid out and well-lit. Branch: Celetna 25, Prague 1, 11000
Address: Vitezna, 11 Prague 5 150 00
Opening hours: 11am-7pm Mon-Fri
Telephone: +420 2 2051 1254+420 2 2051 1254
Neighbourhood: Mala Strana -- The Lesser Side
Nearest train: Trams 6, 9, 12, 22, 23 Ujezd
URL: www.galeriekodl.cz
Email: galerie@galeriekodl.cz
10. Antikvariat
There is a friendly and enthusiastic warmth about this shop. Whether it's the hundreds of framed prints that fill the walls right up to its art deco ceiling or the charm of the staff is open to debate but certainly part of the attraction is the wide variety of prints on offer. The shop stocks engravings and etchings both antique and modern. Eighteenth century maps of Bohemia hang side by side with woodcuts from between the wars. The single stone-floored room is large, the ceiling high. There are engravings of the city from all its ages as well as 19th century prints of flora and fauna. In the centre of the room is large dining table piled high with books, both junk and first editions. Browsing alone makes it worth a visit.
Address: Pariska, 8 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-7pm Mon-Fri; 10am-6pm Sat & Sun
Telephone: +420 2 2321 442
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Staromestska (Line A)
11. Antikvariat Na Janskem Vrsku
This shop stocks a fine collection of antique engravings as well as second-hand books. The engravings, displayed in frames on the wall and in a number of portfolios, cover a variety of subjects: flora, military, and fashion. But it is the shop's collection of architectural prints that is its strength. This is for the most part made up of drawings of Prague and its buildings and structures. Most of the prints are from the 19th century, thought there are some which are as old as the 18th.
Address: Vlasska, 15 Prague 1 118 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 10am-4pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 5753 0083
Neighbourhood: Mala Strana -- The Lesser Side
Nearest train: Trams 12, 22, 23 Malostranske Namesti
12. Antikvariat U Karlova Most
This large shop at the end of Charles Bridge specialises in rare books, engravings and prints. The oldest book they have is from the 15th century. The rest of the stock of second-hand work is mostly Czech, German and Latin language editions from the 16th century to the present day.
The rarest books are displayed in cabinets around the carpeted hall. Other second-hand editions are on shelves along the walls, beneath the stock of engravings and prints.
Most of the books are second editions or later, first editions going to auction, but despite this the prices are not low.
Address: Karlova, 2 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 11am-4pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2222 0286
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Staromestska (Line A)
Email: info@meissner.cz
13. Antique Papilio
Tucked into a corner of the Ungelt centre, this beautifully restored set of baroque rooms, roofed with a star vault and 19th century chandeliers, makes an ideal space to exhibit antiques.
The stock, a mixture of furniture, glass and art, varies. The furniture tends towards more refined work than handicraft: there are lacquered writing desks and inlayed walnut cabinets.
The glass works are displayed in cases on one side of the main room and include 19th century pieces as well as Secessionist works.
Address: Tyn, 1 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2489 5454
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Staromestska (Line A)
14. Dorotheum
This shop stocks an array of paintings and household items; some of which are antique, many of the others collectable due to their craftsmanship or author. The shop is split in half by a set of three steps. The paintings are displayed in the second half of the space. The stock varies but there is a strong representation of art from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Down the steps, in the first half of the stone tiled room, the household items are displayed in elegant glass cabinets. The types and prices of the objects vary from silver thimbles and 19th century jewellery to works of glass and sets of porcelain from the first half of the 20th century.
Address: Ovocny Trh, 2 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 9.30am-7pm Mon-Fri; 9.30am-5pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2422 2011
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Mustek (Lines A, B)
15. E.H. Starozitnosti
Though well labeled on the street this antique shop is not easy to find. Follow the signs through the street-side entrance to the courtyard and then go down the stairs. Inside shoppers will find antique furniture in an old basement that is not so young itself. Burrows, tables, chairs, chests and dozens of paintings occupy the two room cramped store. In addition a unique collection of antique marionettes are worth a look. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance, the management is extremely helpful.
Address: Jecna, 11 Prague 2 120 00
Opening hours: 10am-12pm, 12:30-5pm Mon-Fri
Telephone: +420 2 6239 3065
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: I.P. Pavlova (Line C) Trams 4, 6, 10, 16, 22, 23, 51, 56, 57
16. Historicky Kamna
This unusual shop is in the business of renovating and selling antique stoves. The showroom stocks a collection of beautifully restored Victorian stoves from both Europe and America, as well as offering a restoration service for privately owned pieces. The fire-places are mostly free-standing wrought iron affairs, beautifully decorated with scroll work and inlays and the company guarantees their functioning. Some of the pieces are as old as the mid-19th century though most are late Victorian or from the early 20th century.
Address: Jansky Vrsek, 2 Prague 1 118 00
Opening hours: 2pm-6pm Mon-Sun
Telephone: +420 2 5753 1378
Neighbourhood: Mala Strana -- The Lesser Side
Nearest train: Trams 12, 22, 23 Malostranske Namesti
17. Historicky Nabytek
This small shop specialises in antique furniture and its service includes buying and restoring as well as selling. The antiques are displayed in a quiet pair of rooms, floored in white tile and rugs, with ceiling mounted spotlights illuminating the space and goods. The stock varies but the range can include tables and chairs as well as cabinets, card tables and simple kitchen dressers and the company's membership of the Association of Antique Dealers is a strong guarantee of the genuine nature of the wares.
Address: V Jircharich, 4 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri
Telephone: +420 2 2491 0046
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Narodni Trida (Line B) Trams 6, 9, 22, 23 Narodni Trida
18. Hradni Hodinarstvi
An unusual shop, one which specialises in the repair and sale of old, nearly antique timepieces, dating from the turn of the century to now. Like all of the outlets on Zlata Ulicka (The Golden Lane) it's tiny and the small size exaggerates the tick-tocking of the twenty or so historic clocks on its walls. In addition to clocks the studio sells and repairs watches. There are hundreds on display in glass cabinets, some dating no further back than the seventies, others beautiful silver pieces that wouldn't be amiss on a chain and tucked into a waistcoat pocket.
Address: Zlata Ulicka, 26 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm daily
Telephone: +420 2 2437 2285
Neighbourhood: Hradcany -- Castle District
Nearest train: Trams 22, 23 Prazsky Hrad
19. JHB Antiques
This little shop just off the main pedestrian shopping area of Na Prikope is an Aladin's cave of antique watches and clocks. An original baroque fresco covers the boutique's vaulted ceiling and the walls below it are filled with clocks from the same century. The shop specialises in 18th and 19th century time-pieces of all types. There are grandfather clocks, carriage clocks, wonderfully ornate gold-leafed baroque pieces as well as a case full of gold pocket watches. The shop has it's own workshop and watchsmith where the clocks that they receive are repaired. All the clocks that it sells have been restored to working order, consequently the room is filled with a symphony of grand and minor tickings.
Address: Panska, 1 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 10am-2pm Sat
Neighbourhood: Nove Mesto -- New Town
Nearest train: Mustek (Lines A, B) Trams 3, 9, 14, 24 Jindrisska
20. Pictura
This recently opened gallery exhibits and sells a mixture of Czech art; works by 20th-century Czech masters hang beside 18th and 19th century masters. There are pieces by the Cubist Fialla, as well as landscapes by the 19th century revivalist Vaclav Spala. A single room, the gallery owners have used columns and free-standing walls to break up the space and give more display area. A single free-standing glass cabinet displays sculpture from the early 20th century and the Secessionist period.
Address: Rytirska, 9 Prague 1 110 00
Opening hours: 11am-7pm Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm Sat
Telephone: +420 2 2423 3810
Neighbourhood: Stare Mesto -- Old Town
Nearest train: Mustek (Lines A, B) Trams 6, 9, 22, 23 Narodni Trida
URL: www.pictura.cz
21. Pod Kinskou Starozitnosti
Located under the Portuguese embassy this shop has broad selection of antique furniture and the range includes tables, dining chairs, chests and dressers as well as chandeliers and paintings. The showroom is a large set of rooms, with the best pieces in the spacious front section that opens onto the street and square. The majority of the pieces are Art Deco though there are some older pieces.
Address: Namesti Kinskych, 7 Prague 5 150 00
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Sat
Telephone: +420 2 5731 1245
Neighbourhood: Smichov
Nearest train: Trams 6,9,12,22,23 Kinskeho Zahrada
URL: www.antique-shop.cz
22. Vetesnictvi
This shop sells a combination of junk, second hand goods and antiques. The shop itself is rather small and cluttered. A bust of Lenin oversees old books and prints, furniture, a cash register or two, old-fashioned portable typewriters, a German helmet on an old clothes dummy, tools, walking sticks, china and clocks - some of which still work. People come here to and sell and buy or simply just look and marvel. It may be of interest to note that the owner speaks English.
Address: Vitezna, 16 Prague 1 118 00
Opening hours: 10am-5pm Mon-Fri; 10am-midday Sat
Telephone: +42 02 5306 24
Neighbourhood: Mala Strana -- The Lesser Side
Nearest train: Andel
Источник публикации: Vintagestory.ru