Alternative stops all the pockets
In the main cities the maximum representatives of the informal commerce of the country congregate themselves, to offer manifold products to very low cost. The exponents of these traveling fairs will have to pay taxes as of the 2006 due to a law impelled by the government.
ASUNCIO'N. Low prices and a great supply of products can be found in the calls ' fairs of pulgas', that have become the official panorama of the main streets of Paraguay.
This market has seized of cities like City of the East, Incarnation, Colonel Oviedo, Rich Villa and Conception, located to 330, 373, 173, 178 and 543 kilometers of the capital, respectively.
But it is mainly Asuncio'n where this type of retailers is increased to accelerated rate. The week ends include two blocks of the centric Street Palm, where the supplies include articles of collection like clothes, mirrors, furniture, arms, currencies, cigarettes, paintings, among other products, generally of principles of century XX.
In sectors where the greater one exists spending power commercial houses that offer brought old furniture in their majority from Argentina and Europe, with generally unattainable prices for a working average of Paraguay locate. Therefore the alternative of the Street Palm with its street fair, is a real option for those who less money has.
Traveling salesmen have existed from always in Asuncio'n, like in almost all the capitals of Latin America. Also called ' mesiteros' they are located in strategic places in all the city, where pirate CD and DVD abound by all sides and are an important source of income for these workers.
A law for ' mesiteros'
The municipal authorities have delivered great attacks to relocate to the traveling retailers of these popular ' fairs of pulgas' to hermosear the city, but not yet they obtain it. On the other hand the government also has made an attempt separate them from the centric streets and to whiten and to clean the economy, with the Fiscal Law of Adjustment and Administrative Reordering, that will begin to operate in the 2006.
Of this form, the mesiteros will not be able to commercialize their products without giving a receipt or ticket that will be declared the Ministry of Property and will be applied the Tax to them to the Personal Rent. Of this form its work, considered will be able to be regulated a disloyal competition for the established commerce.
Martín Brakenridge
источник публикации
Times of the World