События в Австралии в 2013 году
01 |
2013 |
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Хобарт |
Hobart Collectors Antique Fair
Место проведения: Hobart City Hall
57-63 Macquarie Street , Hobart, TAS
Email: willowcourt@bigpond.com
Visit this large collection of antiques and collectables for sale in Hobart. Tasmania's largest Antiques and Collectables Fair with over 25 interstate and Tasmanian dealers with an extensive collection of antiques for sale. Held in the fabulous City Hall opposite the Hobart docks where the Sydney to Hobart yachts are moored and lose to Hobart's famous food and wine festival, the Taste Festival.
Fryerstown Antique Fair
Место проведения: Fryerstown Hall
Fryerstown Hall Commitee
Contact: Pat 03 5473 4373
Время работы:
Friday 7.00am - 5.00 pm
Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Of all the antique fairs held across Australia, there is one which is an absolute 'must' for dealers, stall holders, collectors and browsers alike and that's the Fryerstown Antique Fair.
It started in 1975 to raise money for the Hall where it is held and its popularity has increased every year since. All proceeds go towards the Hall's upkeep and a variety of other community groups also benefit from the fair.
Still held in and around the historic Fryerstown Hall, you will find fine antiques, Australiana, hobby collectables, furniture, old kitchenware, vases, pottery, odds and ends, pieces to mend, and many more treasured items.
If antiques and collectables are your thing and you haven't yet made it to Fryerstown, then you are missing out - so give yourself a treat and visit the fair. Held over three days on a weekend near Australia Day.
08-10 |
2013 |
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Сидней |
Rotary Club of Hurstville Antique & Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Marana Auditorium
MacMahon Street, Hurstville
Sydney NSW 2220
Further Details: www.rotarnet.com.au/hurstville
Contact: Dorothy Dixon
Email: dmd2006@bigpond.net.au
Phone: (02)9153 6922
18th Antiques & Collectables Fair incorporating 14th Doyal Doulton Fair. Fully airconditioned venue, auctioning SES Queenslnd Bunnykin, Friday evening 8th February money going to Cystic Fibrosis. We have 27 stallholders, on stage a Coffee shop over the Saturday 9th and Sunday 10. Valuations by Phillip Thomas at a cost of $3 per item. Jewellery appraisals also at $3 per item.
09-10 |
2013 |
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Лисмор |
Inaugural Lismore Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Goonellabah Sports Centre
50 Oliver Avenue
Goonellabah NSW 2480
Further Details: www.antiquesandcollectablesfair.com
Contact: Allen Lawson
Email: alej@iprimus.com.au
Phone: 0447 888 170
The First Annual Lismore Antiques and Collectables Fair is an event not to be missed for the antique collector, enthusiastic decorator or just if you are curious and love antiques and vintage. The event will see an array of antiques, collectables, militaria, coins, precious gold, silver and costume jewellery and valuables on display for purchase from Queensland and local dealers. Opening hours: Saturday 9th February 8am - 4pm and Sunday 10th February 8am - 2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
15-17 |
2013 |
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Лавингтон |
Albury Wodonga Antiques and Collectables Fair
Mirambeena Community Centre
19 Martha Mews ( off Moore St opp North Albury SWimming Pool )
Lavington NSW 2641
Contact: Mick Dalton
Email: mickdaltoncva@hotmail.com
Phone: 0428 446 534
NSW and interstate dealers offering a wide selection of quality antiques and collectables.The Friday night preview on 15th Feb starts at 5pm, admission $15 which includes light refreshments.The fair is open again from 10am on Sat 16th and Sun 17th, admission $8 for adults, accompanied children free. There is also a lucky door prize and refreshments available all weekend.
16-17 |
2013 |
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Мелдон |
Maldon Antique and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Bill Woodfull Reserve
Francis st.
Maldon VIC 3463
Further Details: www.maldoncollectables.com
Contact: Mark Blythe
Email: blytheau@gmail.com
Phone: 0414244842
One of the fastest growing antique fairs in the country, a great venue, well grassed and dust free, this is every thing a stall-holder looks for. Large sites 10mts X 6mts, free camping, free showers, free tea and coffee,Friday set up for Saturday and Sunday trading. restricted to just 120 stalls and with over 5,000 people coming to the 2012 event, great results were had by all stall-holders, sites are only $75 for the whole week-end. We are almost full but accepting some new applications. We have stall-holders from 4 states making Maldon a regular placement on their circuit.....Public addmission is only $2...event times are Sat 8.am till 5pm Sunday 8am till 3pm.
02 |
2013 |
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Намбур |
Место проведения: Nambour Showgrounds
Coronation Avenue
Nambour QLD 4560
Contact: Tom Wall
Phone: 0418 744887
Collectorama, Country Antiques and Collectables Fair is a truly iconic Collectors event that is held 4 times per year. The event features over 100 dealers with a vast selection of Collectable items. If you can imagine it, and collect it, it is probably here at Collectorama. Open Hours: 7.30am to 2.30pm Saturday. Admission $5. Food and Refreshments available.
02-03 |
2013 |
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Тувумба |
Moorcroft 2013 Open Weekend
Место проведения: in store, Roundabout Antiques
106 Campbell Street
Toowoomba QLD 4350
Contact: Robert Neilsen
Phone: 07 46328805
Moorcroft Open weekend in store at Roundabout Antiques, Toowoomba to showcase Moorcroft new 2013 releases and 2013 Limited Edition and Numbered edition pieces. Older Moorcroft dating back to the early 1900's with patterns such as Pomegranate, Pansy and Flambe will also be available for viewing and purchase. Invitations will be issued, please contact us by email sales@roundaboutantiques.com.au or by phone 07 46328805 to reserve your space. Moorcroft Pottery is handmade in England and the company leads the world of art pottery with its own distinctive design style. With added value coming from the skills and craftsmanship of a dedicated workforce, Moorcroft is selling more of its magnificent ware all over the world today, than it did even in its previous heyday in the mid-1920’s.
09-11 |
2013 |
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Балларат |
Ballarat Antique Fair
Место проведения: Ballarat Badminton Stadium
Dowling Street
Wendouree, Victoria 3355 Australia
Tel: 1300 303 800
Started in 1971 in St.Paul’s Hall the Ballarat Antique Fair has had quite a few moves and expanded to become Australia’s largest and longest running antique fair.
In 1971 when the antique trade was still in it’s infancy a dozen or so dealers were brought together for the first Ballarat Antique Fair. Some of the early exhibitors included long standing dealers, Jean Holmes, Ian Redpath, Spencer Sandilands and Graham Geddes.
In 1978 the fair moved to St.Patrick’s Hall in the middle of Ballarat and expanded to around 25 dealers where it
continued into the 1990’s. With a large number of extra exhibitors wanting to participate the fair expanded to include the Masonic hall across the road in the mid 1990’s.
The exhibitor list now was up to around 45 dealers and the patrons moved from venue to venue to view and make purchases.
This worked well for about 4 years until the Masonic Hall became unavailable, and more space was needed to fit in more exhibitors wanting to participate.
In the late 1990’s the Civic Hall in Mair Street was taken on as well as St.Patricks Hall, this was about 6 blocks away but was large enough to include another 35 exhibitors. This brought the exhibitor list up to around 70 dealers. A shuttle bus ran between venues and this worked well and sales and patronage continued to increase. After 3 years in both venues the City council decided to redevelop the Civic Hall and said it would no longer be available. With still more exhibitors wanting participate in the fair, and no other city venues available it was decided to move the event lock, stock and barrel to one venue capable of housing it under one roof.
15-17 |
2013 |
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Шеппартон |
32nd Goulburn Valley Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: St Georges Road Public School
120 St Georges Rd
Shepparton VIC 3630
Contact: Mick Dalton
Phone: 0428 446 534
From 10am Fr1 15th,Sat 16th, and Sun 17th March . Victorian and interstate dealers offering a wide range of quality antiques and collectables for sale. Refreshments available, lucky door prize, accompanied children free. Admission adults $8.
16 |
2013 |
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Ипсвич |
Ipswich Antique and Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Exhibit Pavilion (behind Indoor Sports Centre)
Ipswich Showgrounds, 81 Warwick Road IPSWICH
Ipswich QLD 4305
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The Ipswich Antiques and Collectables Fair is simply an event not to be missed, a large scale selection of antiques and collectables are presented for browsing and buying, with over 100 dealers in attendance. Opening hours: Saturday 16th March 2013 Earlybirds 7am - 7.45am; Public 8am-2pm. Admission: Earlybirds $10, Public Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
22-24 |
2013 |
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Канберра |
ACT Seasonal Antique Fair
Место проведения: Albert Hall, Commonwealth Avenue,
Yarralumla, ACT
Contact: Les Selkirk
Phone: 6231 5244
Fax: 6231 3656 Mob: 0418 631 445
Часы работы:
Opening night is Friday 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm.
The fair is one of the longest-running in Australia.
Features high-quality, genuine, affordable antiques, old-world nostalgia and collectables, No reproductions or new merchandise are allowed, with all items accurately described. A purchaser will be told if any restoration has been carried out.
23 antique dealers selling a range of English, Australian and French furniture, antique and estate jewellery, maps and prints, glassware, linen, lace, bric-a-brac, silver, china and pottery, including Moorcroft pottery and Royal Doulton flambé figures.
Entry is $7 ($5 concession), children under 14 are free.
Wheelchair access is available on request.
23-24 |
2013 |
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Мэриброро |
Fraser Coast Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Maryborough Showgrounds
Maryborough Showgrounds, Bruce Highway
Maryborough QLD 4650
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The twice yearly Fraser Coast Antiques and Collectables Fair brings a selection of dealers presenting a smorgasboard of quality antiques, fine china and collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and precious objects to the Fraser Coast. This is an event not to be missed. Opening hours: Saturday 23rd March 8am-4pm; Sunday 24th March 8am-2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
30-31 |
2013 |
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Йорк |
York Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: 81 Avon Terrace, York WA 6302, Australia
Время работы: 10:00 to 16:00
The York Antique & Collectors Fair has taken place every Easter Weekend in the York Town Hall. In 2013 the event will be relocating and expanding in nearby Northam and will become the Avon Valley Vintage Festival. On Easter Weekend Sat 30th March-Mon 1st April from 10am-4pm.
There will still be a strong representation of Antiques & Collectables, valuations and furniture, however we are excited to introduce many retro and vintage elements in 2013.
The inaugural Avon Valley Vintage Festival is expected to feature antiques, valuations, vintage vehicles, swing dancers, a vintage poker den, kids rides, market stalls, wine tastings, arts & crafts, vintage cycle display, vintage clothing, historical display, a licensed bar and much much more. Located in the brand new state of the art Northam Recreation Centre at Jubilee oval this event will now be indoors. Tickets on sale soon.
30-31 |
2013 |
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Нортам |
Avon Valley Vintage Festival
Место проведения: Northam Recreation Centre
Peel Terrace
Contact: Tanya Richardson
Phone: 0429260537
This event is not to be missed with something for everyone. The Avon Valley Vintage Festival (previously York Antique& Collectors Fair) will take place at Easter Weekend from 10am-4pm. This festival will feature antiques & collectables, free valuations, vintage poker den, vintage clothing & jewellery, swing dancers, Royal Historical Society display,vintage cycle display, vintage car display, foods, wine tastings, market stalls, clydesdale rides, a licensed bar, kids rides and much more. Open 10am-4pm daily. Tickets $10 Adults. Kids U12yrs free with adlut. Weekend passes available $25.
01 |
2013 |
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Йорк |
York Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: 81 Avon Terrace, York WA 6302, Australia
Время работы: 10:00 to 16:00
The York Antique & Collectors Fair has taken place every Easter Weekend in the York Town Hall. In 2013 the event will be relocating and expanding in nearby Northam and will become the Avon Valley Vintage Festival. On Easter Weekend Sat 30th March-Mon 1st April from 10am-4pm.
There will still be a strong representation of Antiques & Collectables, valuations and furniture, however we are excited to introduce many retro and vintage elements in 2013.
The inaugural Avon Valley Vintage Festival is expected to feature antiques, valuations, vintage vehicles, swing dancers, a vintage poker den, kids rides, market stalls, wine tastings, arts & crafts, vintage cycle display, vintage clothing, historical display, a licensed bar and much much more. Located in the brand new state of the art Northam Recreation Centre at Jubilee oval this event will now be indoors. Tickets on sale soon.
01 |
2013 |
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Нортам |
Avon Valley Vintage Festival
Место проведения: Northam Recreation Centre
Peel Terrace
Contact: Tanya Richardson
Phone: 0429260537
This event is not to be missed with something for everyone. The Avon Valley Vintage Festival (previously York Antique& Collectors Fair) will take place at Easter Weekend from 10am-4pm. This festival will feature antiques & collectables, free valuations, vintage poker den, vintage clothing & jewellery, swing dancers, Royal Historical Society display,vintage cycle display, vintage car display, foods, wine tastings, market stalls, clydesdale rides, a licensed bar, kids rides and much more. Open 10am-4pm daily. Tickets $10 Adults. Kids U12yrs free with adlut. Weekend passes available $25.
12-13 |
2013 |
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Тувумба |
Toowoomba Antique and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Clive Berghofer Centre
Clive Berghofer Centre Baker St, (behind USQ)
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The Annual Toowoomba Antiques and Collectables Fair is an event not to be missed for the collector, enthusiast or just if you are curious. The event sees an array of antiques, collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and valuables on display for purchase. Opening hours: Friday 12th April 4pm to 9pm and Saturday 13th April 8am to 2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
14 |
2013 |
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Друин |
Drouin Lions Club 7th Annual Antique & Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Drouin Secondary College
54 Main South Road Drouin Victoria
Drouin VIC 3818
Contact: Steve Letch
Phone: 0425829351
Antiques,fine china,decorative arts, glass, Australian potteryceramics, linen & lace, interesting collectables Entry $5.00 inc Door Prize Valuations by David Freeman from 12pm All profits donated back to the community.
27-28 |
2013 |
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Кингарой |
Inaugural South Burnett Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: St John’s Hall
Ivy Street
Kingaroy QLD 4610
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The First Annual South Burnett Antiques and Collectables Fair is an event not to be missed for the antique collector, enthusiastic decorator looking for that special piece or just if you are curious and love antiques and vintage. The event sees an array of antiques, collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and valuables on display for purchase from Queensland and Interstate dealers. Opening hours: Saturday 27th April 8am - 4pm and Sunday 28th April 8am - 2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
04-05 |
2013 |
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Баурел |
26th Southern Highlands Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Bowral Memorial Hall
Bendooley St
Bowral NSW 2576
Contact: Mick Dalton
Phone: 0428 446 534
From 10am Sat and Sun 4th and 5th May. Local, Sydney and interstate dealers offering a wide selection of furniture, jewellery, silver, porcelain, linen, lamps, books and many other interesting collectables. All items for sale, refreshments available all weekend, lucky door prize. Supporting Bowral District Hospital Auxiliary. Admission $8, accompanied children free.
16-19 |
2013 |
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Сидней |
Место проведения: Royal Hall of Industries
Driver Avenue, Moore Park, Sydney, 2021
Время работы:
Thursday, May 17, 11.00am-7.00pm
Friday, May 18, 11.00am-7.00pm
Saturday, May 19, 11.00am-7.00pm
Sunday, May 20, 10.00am-5.00pm
THE AUSTRALIAN ANTIQUES & FINE ART FAIR is the largest and most prestigious Fair in Australasia. Held in May each year, the Fair is celebrating 22 years of Great Fairs in 2013!
Over 60 of Australia's foremost professional dealers present a Fair of breadth and exceptional quality with exhibits of first rank - to tempt the experienced collector as well as the novice. See antique furniture and fine objects, paintings & sculpture, original prints & maps, Australiana, Art Deco, Asian Arts, clocks, sterling silver, ceramics, glass, antiquities, jewellery and rare collectables.
A must for every collector's diary! All exhibits are for sale. Lunch with a glass of your favourite wine; or meet friends for a cappuccino & friand at the Fair Cafe.
24-26 |
2013 |
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Гриффитс |
Griffith Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Griffith Exies Club
Jondaryan Ave
Griffith NSW 2680
Contact: Mick Dalton
Phone: 0428 446 534
NSW and interstate dealers offering a wide range of quality antiques and collectables all for sale. The Friday night preview on 24th May commences at 6.30pm, admission $18 including light refreshments. The fair is open again from 10am on Sat and Sun 25th and 26th May, admission $8 for adults, accompanied children free.
25-26 |
2013 |
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Мидленд |
Antique & Collectors Fair Midland
Место проведения: Midland Town Hall, Gt Eastern Hwy
(Opp. Centrepoint Shopping Centre)
Contact: Pat 03 5473 4373
Время работы: с 9:30 до 16:00
Admission $4; Accompanied Children u/14 Fre
Выставка антиквариата.
31 |
2013 |
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Тусмор |
Adelaide Antique Fair
Место проведения: Burnside Ballroom
Crn Greenhill and Portrush Roads
Tusmore SA 5066
Contact: Sandra McKessar
Phone: 0414730935
The 8th Adelaide Antique Fair will be held at the Burnside Ballroom on the corner of Greenhill and Portrush Roads, Burnside on Friday 31st May 2013 4:30-8:00pm Saturday 1st June 10am-5pm & Sunday 2nd June 10am-4pm. Local and interstate dealers will be attending, selling a range of quality items for serious collectors and amateurs. From jewellery to china, oriental to silver the 35 dealers will have something for everyone. 10 percent of each entry ticket will be donated to the Fred Hollows Foundation. The Foundation has a programme where for $25 someone's sight (cataract surgery) can be restored. Fred believed the greatest joy is being able to restore a person's sight. I cannot think of a better cause to support. There will be valuations on Saturday and Sunday costing $2 per item (all proceeds to the FHF) so bring along your treasures for an honest appraisal. The Adelaide Antique Fair was a great success last year, and you can be guaranteed an hour or two of fascination in browsing the display areas, shopping for unique treasures, and pausing for refreshments as you go. Light refreshments are available on Saturday and Sunday. There will be a sausage sizzle outside to raise money for the Beaumont Venturers.
01-02 |
2013 |
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Тусмор |
Adelaide Antique Fair
Место проведения: Burnside Ballroom
Crn Greenhill and Portrush Roads
Tusmore SA 5066
Contact: Sandra McKessar
Phone: 0414730935
The 8th Adelaide Antique Fair will be held at the Burnside Ballroom on the corner of Greenhill and Portrush Roads, Burnside on Friday 31st May 2013 4:30-8:00pm Saturday 1st June 10am-5pm & Sunday 2nd June 10am-4pm. Local and interstate dealers will be attending, selling a range of quality items for serious collectors and amateurs. From jewellery to china, oriental to silver the 35 dealers will have something for everyone. 10 percent of each entry ticket will be donated to the Fred Hollows Foundation. The Foundation has a programme where for $25 someone's sight (cataract surgery) can be restored. Fred believed the greatest joy is being able to restore a person's sight. I cannot think of a better cause to support. There will be valuations on Saturday and Sunday costing $2 per item (all proceeds to the FHF) so bring along your treasures for an honest appraisal. The Adelaide Antique Fair was a great success last year, and you can be guaranteed an hour or two of fascination in browsing the display areas, shopping for unique treasures, and pausing for refreshments as you go. Light refreshments are available on Saturday and Sunday. There will be a sausage sizzle outside to raise money for the Beaumont Venturers.
01 |
2013 |
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Намбур |
Место проведения: Nambour Showgrounds
Coronation Avenue
Nambour QLD 4560
Contact: Tom Wall
Phone: 0418 744887
Collectorama, Country Antiques and Collectables Fair is a truly iconic Collectors event that is held 4 times per year. The event features over 100 dealers with a vast selection of Collectable items. If you can imagine it, and collect it, it is probably here at Collectorama. Open Hours: 7.30am to 2.30pm Saturday. Admission $5. Food and Refreshments available.
23 |
2013 |
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Каннингтон |
Cannington Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Cannington Exhibition Centre, cnr Albany Highway & Station St,
Cannington W.A. (In front of the Greyhound Venue)
Время работы: 10:00 to 15:00
Enquiries to: vintageservices@iinet.net.au
Admission $3, children under 12 free.
First fair for 2013 with tables selling small antiques, collectables, china, glass, ephemera, toys, tools, militaria, books, cards, kitchenalia, coins, clocks or more.
06-07 |
2013 |
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Неранг |
3rd Annual Charity Nerang Pcyc Antique & Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Nerang PCYC
Cayuga St
Nerang QLD 4211
Contact: Lyle
Phone: 0449 997 149
The 3rd annual Charity Nerang PCYC Antique & Collectables Fair to be held at the PCYC promises to be a great, friendly event with a great selection of antique and collectable items to see and buy. Open Hours Saturday 6th July 10am to 4pm and Sunday 7th July 10am to 2pm. Admission $3.00 per Adult with Early Bird Entry 9am-10am Saturday $10 each. Kids Free. There will be a Vintage & Classic Car Display, Sausage Sizzle & Drinks, Free Antique Valuations , Vintage Fashion Parades, Furniture, Jewellery, China, Glass, Books, Toys, Dolls, Vintage Clothing, Militaria, Automobilia etc. The event is all secure undercover. All sites must be pre-booked & paid for by June 1st Proudly run by the Automobile Restorer’s Assoc Gold Coast with all monies going to Nerang PCYC for equipment.
19-21 |
2013 |
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Русалкины Воды |
Mid Year Rotary Antiques Fair
Место проведения: Albert Waterways Community Centre
cnr Hooker Blvd and Sunshine Parade
Mermaid Waters QLD 4218
Contact: Peter Campbell
Phone: 0411 649242
The Mid Year Rotary Antiques Fair at the Albert Waterways Hall is a NOT TO BE MISSED event, proudly presented by the The Rotary Club of Palm Beach. This fair will see many quality local and interstate dealers present an astounding and diverse array of fine quality antiques, collectables, antique books and fine estate jewellery items. Opening times and further details will be added as the date nears.
17 |
2013 |
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Ипсвич |
Ipswich Antique and Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Exhibit Pavilion (behind Indoor Sports Centre)
Ipswich Showgrounds, 81 Warwick Road IPSWICH
Ipswich QLD 4305
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The Ipswich Antiques and Collectables Fair is simply an event not to be missed, a large scale selection of antiques and collectables are presented for browsing and buying, with over 100 dealers in attendance. Opening hours: Saturday 16th March 2013 Earlybirds 7am - 7.45am; Public 8am-2pm. Admission: Earlybirds $10, Public Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
30-31 |
2013 |
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Бероура |
The Northern Sydney Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Berowra Community Centre
The Gully Road
Berowra NSW 2081
Contact: Brian Engert
Phone: 61294565644
The 2013 Northern Sydney Antiques and Collectables Fair is a project of The Lions Club of Berowra. Featuring a wide range of dealers offering a diverse range of wares. Offering plenty of parking and close to Berowra railway station.
01 |
2013 |
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Бероура |
The Northern Sydney Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Berowra Community Centre
The Gully Road
Berowra NSW 2081
Contact: Brian Engert
Phone: 61294565644
The 2013 Northern Sydney Antiques and Collectables Fair is a project of The Lions Club of Berowra. Featuring a wide range of dealers offering a diverse range of wares. Offering plenty of parking and close to Berowra railway station.
07 |
2013 |
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Намбур |
Место проведения: Nambour Showgrounds
Coronation Avenue
Nambour QLD 4560
Contact: Tom Wall
Phone: 0418 744887
Collectorama, Country Antiques and Collectables Fair is a truly iconic Collectors event that is held 4 times per year. The event features over 100 dealers with a vast selection of Collectable items. If you can imagine it, and collect it, it is probably here at Collectorama. Open Hours: 7.30am to 2.30pm Saturday. Admission $5. Food and Refreshments available.
21-22 |
2013 |
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Гаттон |
Lockyer Valley Antique and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Gatton Showgrounds
Eastern Drive
Gatton QLD 4343
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The yearly Lockyer Valley Antiques and Collectables Fair brings a selection of dealers presenting a smorgasboard of quality antiques, fine china and collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and precious objects to the Lockyer Valley. This is an event not to be missed. Opening hours: Saturday 21st September 8am-4pm; Sunday 22nd September 8am-2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
12-13 |
2013 |
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Мэриброро |
Fraser Coast Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Maryborough Showgrounds
Maryborough Showgrounds, Bruce Highway
Maryborough QLD 4650
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The twice yearly Fraser Coast Antiques and Collectables Fair brings a selection of dealers presenting a smorgasboard of quality antiques, fine china and collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and precious objects to the Fraser Coast. This is an event not to be missed. Opening hours: Saturday 12th October 8am-4pm; Sunday 13th October 8am-2pm. Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
26 |
2013 |
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Ипсвич |
Ipswich Antique and Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Exhibit Pavilion (behind Indoor Sports Centre)
Ipswich Showgrounds, 81 Warwick Road IPSWICH
Ipswich QLD 4305
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The Ipswich Antiques and Collectables Fair is simply an event not to be missed, a large scale selection of antiques and collectables are presented for browsing and buying, with over 100 dealers in attendance. Opening hours: Saturday 16th March 2013 Earlybirds 7am - 7.45am; Public 8am-2pm. Admission: Earlybirds $10, Public Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
02 |
2013 |
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Намбур |
Место проведения: Nambour Showgrounds
Coronation Avenue
Nambour QLD 4560
Contact: Tom Wall
Phone: 0418 744887
Collectorama, Country Antiques and Collectables Fair is a truly iconic Collectors event that is held 4 times per year. The event features over 100 dealers with a vast selection of Collectable items. If you can imagine it, and collect it, it is probably here at Collectorama. Open Hours: 7.30am to 2.30pm Saturday. Admission $5. Food and Refreshments available.
15-16 |
2013 |
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Морейфилд |
South East Queensland Antiques and Collectables Fair
Место проведения: Morayfield Park Leisure Centre (next to Bunnings)
298 Morayfield Road
Morayfield QLD 4506
Contact: Allen Lawson
Phone: 0447 888 170
The South East Queensland Antiques and Collectables Fair brings a vast selection of dealers presenting a smorgasboard of quality antiques, fine china and collectables, militaria, coins, jewellery and precious objects to Morayfield and greater Brisbane. This is an event not to be missed. Opening hours: Friday evening 15th November 4pm - 8pm and Saturday 16th 8am - 2pm Admission: Adults $6, Children under 14 FREE.
Ballarat Antique Fair
Место проведения: Ballarat Badminton Stadium
Dowling Street
Wendouree, Victoria 3355 Australia
Tel: 1300 303 800
Started in 1971 in St.Paul’s Hall the Ballarat Antique Fair has had quite a few moves and expanded to become Australia’s largest and longest running antique fair.
In 1971 when the antique trade was still in it’s infancy a dozen or so dealers were brought together for the first Ballarat Antique Fair. Some of the early exhibitors included long standing dealers, Jean Holmes, Ian Redpath, Spencer Sandilands and Graham Geddes.
In 1978 the fair moved to St.Patrick’s Hall in the middle of Ballarat and expanded to around 25 dealers where it
continued into the 1990’s. With a large number of extra exhibitors wanting to participate the fair expanded to include the Masonic hall across the road in the mid 1990’s.
The exhibitor list now was up to around 45 dealers and the patrons moved from venue to venue to view and make purchases.
This worked well for about 4 years until the Masonic Hall became unavailable, and more space was needed to fit in more exhibitors wanting to participate.
In the late 1990’s the Civic Hall in Mair Street was taken on as well as St.Patricks Hall, this was about 6 blocks away but was large enough to include another 35 exhibitors. This brought the exhibitor list up to around 70 dealers. A shuttle bus ran between venues and this worked well and sales and patronage continued to increase. After 3 years in both venues the City council decided to redevelop the Civic Hall and said it would no longer be available. With still more exhibitors wanting participate in the fair, and no other city venues available it was decided to move the event lock, stock and barrel to one venue capable of housing it under one roof.
ACT Seasonal Antique Fair
Место проведения: Albert Hall, Commonwealth Avenue,
Yarralumla, ACT
Contact: Les Selkirk
Phone: 6231 5244
Fax: 6231 3656 Mob: 0418 631 445
Часы работы:
Opening night is Friday 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm.
The fair is one of the longest-running in Australia.
Features high-quality, genuine, affordable antiques, old-world nostalgia and collectables, No reproductions or new merchandise are allowed, with all items accurately described. A purchaser will be told if any restoration has been carried out.
23 antique dealers selling a range of English, Australian and French furniture, antique and estate jewellery, maps and prints, glassware, linen, lace, bric-a-brac, silver, china and pottery, including Moorcroft pottery and Royal Doulton flambé figures.
Entry is $7 ($5 concession), children under 14 are free.
Wheelchair access is available on request.
30-31 |
2013 |
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Йорк |
York Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: 81 Avon Terrace, York WA 6302, Australia
Время работы: 10:00 to 16:00
The York Antique & Collectors Fair has taken place every Easter Weekend in the York Town Hall. In 2013 the event will be relocating and expanding in nearby Northam and will become the Avon Valley Vintage Festival. On Easter Weekend Sat 30th March-Mon 1st April from 10am-4pm.
There will still be a strong representation of Antiques & Collectables, valuations and furniture, however we are excited to introduce many retro and vintage elements in 2013.
The inaugural Avon Valley Vintage Festival is expected to feature antiques, valuations, vintage vehicles, swing dancers, a vintage poker den, kids rides, market stalls, wine tastings, arts & crafts, vintage cycle display, vintage clothing, historical display, a licensed bar and much much more. Located in the brand new state of the art Northam Recreation Centre at Jubilee oval this event will now be indoors. Tickets on sale soon.
York Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: 81 Avon Terrace, York WA 6302, Australia
Время работы: 10:00 to 16:00
The York Antique & Collectors Fair has taken place every Easter Weekend in the York Town Hall. In 2013 the event will be relocating and expanding in nearby Northam and will become the Avon Valley Vintage Festival. On Easter Weekend Sat 30th March-Mon 1st April from 10am-4pm.
There will still be a strong representation of Antiques & Collectables, valuations and furniture, however we are excited to introduce many retro and vintage elements in 2013.
The inaugural Avon Valley Vintage Festival is expected to feature antiques, valuations, vintage vehicles, swing dancers, a vintage poker den, kids rides, market stalls, wine tastings, arts & crafts, vintage cycle display, vintage clothing, historical display, a licensed bar and much much more. Located in the brand new state of the art Northam Recreation Centre at Jubilee oval this event will now be indoors. Tickets on sale soon.
Место проведения: Royal Hall of Industries
Driver Avenue, Moore Park, Sydney, 2021
Время работы:
Thursday, May 17, 11.00am-7.00pm
Friday, May 18, 11.00am-7.00pm
Saturday, May 19, 11.00am-7.00pm
Sunday, May 20, 10.00am-5.00pm
THE AUSTRALIAN ANTIQUES & FINE ART FAIR is the largest and most prestigious Fair in Australasia. Held in May each year, the Fair is celebrating 22 years of Great Fairs in 2013!
Over 60 of Australia's foremost professional dealers present a Fair of breadth and exceptional quality with exhibits of first rank - to tempt the experienced collector as well as the novice. See antique furniture and fine objects, paintings & sculpture, original prints & maps, Australiana, Art Deco, Asian Arts, clocks, sterling silver, ceramics, glass, antiquities, jewellery and rare collectables.
A must for every collector's diary! All exhibits are for sale. Lunch with a glass of your favourite wine; or meet friends for a cappuccino & friand at the Fair Cafe.
Cannington Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Cannington Exhibition Centre, cnr Albany Highway & Station St,
Cannington W.A. (In front of the Greyhound Venue)
Время работы: 10:00 to 15:00
Enquiries to: vintageservices@iinet.net.au
Admission $3, children under 12 free.
First fair for 2013 with tables selling small antiques, collectables, china, glass, ephemera, toys, tools, militaria, books, cards, kitchenalia, coins, clocks or more.