interCLASSICS 2007International Oldtimer & Classic Car Show
Международная выставка старинных и классических автомобилей
12 – 14 января 2007
Маастрихт (Нидерланды)
MECC (Maastrichts Expositie & Congres Centrum)
Существуют ли на свете - чудаки? Вопрос не праздный, у каждого из нас найдётся один-два знакомых, который занимается каким-нибудь редким видом деятельности. Люди собирают марки, открытки, этикетки и т.д. А народ, который собирается в Маастрихте ежегодно, жить не может без авто, место которым уже давно в музее истории.
Эти чудаки копаются, чинят, колдуют над своими раритетами и получают массу удовольствия, когда их исполины XX века с визгом и треском катятся по дорогам XXI столетия. Естественно, поглазеть на то, как выглядит "любимое авто моей прабабушки" собирается большое количество зевак. Так, например, в 2005 году их было около 21 000. А экспонатов было немало - 285 автомобилей.
Может, и вам когда-нибудь захочется купить билет на "interCLASSICS"- международную выставку антикварных и классических автомобилей.
Первая выставка прошла в 1991году и с тех пор проходит ежегодно.
Организатор: Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Centrum Postbus 1630, • 6201 BP Maastricht Fon: ++31-43-3838383 • Fax: ++31-43-3838300
Проектная группа: http://www.interclassicsmaastricht.nl
Промышленная классификация: автомобили, транспорт и перевозки
• Автомобили
• Аксессуары
• Запчасти
Время работы: первый день 14:00 - 21:00, в остальные дни 10:00 - 18:00
Nationale Art Deco Beurs
4 февраля 2007
Dé publieksbeurs voor toegepaste kunst en design uit de periode 1880-1980. De tiende Nationale Art Deco Beurs gaat door van 1 februari - 4 februari 2007. Vanaf editie 2007 gaat de “nationale art deco beurs” verder onder de naam “nationale art deco en designbeurs”
URL: http://www.nadb.nl
Kunst- & Antieksalon Primavera
С 8 по 11 февраля 2007
Kunst- & Antieksalon Primavera: Jong, dynamisch en vernieuwend. Van 8 t/m 11 februari 2007 gaat de Kunst- & Antieksalon Primavera voor de tweede keer van start met antiek, oude, moderne en hedendaagse kunst De deelnemers uit binnen- en buitenland laten hun nieuwe collectie zien. Deze collectie is zeer uiteenlopend: van antiek, schilderijen, sculpturen, objecten, etnografica, glas, zilver, juwelen, kaarten, manuscripten tot Japanse prenten.
URL: http://www.salonprimavera.nl
A completely new art and antiques event
С 8 по 14 марта 2007
Description: 8 - 14 March 2007: A completely new art and antiques event, as regards content and image. As the name indicates this is an exclusive international sculpture event. The objective is to present a selection of sculptures by renowned art dealers from all over the world, each an authority in his or her own discipline. The selection will range from archaeological to contemporary sculptures. Presented in an original manner in the unique setting of the oldest theatre in the Netherlands, ‘La Bonbonnière’ in Maastricht.
URL: http://www.sculpturehighlights.com
HOST TEFAF Maastricht
C 11 по 18 марта 2007
In March 2007 Maastricht , the oldest town in the Netherlands, will once again host TEFAF Maastricht, the greatest art and antiques fair in the world. The unrivalled reputation of TEFAF Maastricht comes quite simply from the quality and rarity of the treasures it attracts. Only the most illustrious of the world’s art and antique dealers – nearly 218 eminent dealers from 15 countries – are invited to exhibit at TEFAF. These dealers bring to the Fair a wide range of exceptional and exquisite pieces of the very highest quality. TEFAF is also special because of the vetting process, which is second to none. Each piece is scrutinised for authenticity, quality and condition, by a team of over 140 international experts covering all specialities. The accuracy of the description is verified, and the provenance checked against the Art Loss Register. DATES & OPENING HOURS: 9 - 18 March 2007 Daily 11am - 7pm Sunday 18 March 11am - 6pm
URL: http://www.tefaf.com
EURANTICA Brussels - fine art & antiques fair
с 23 марта по 1 апреля 2007
From 23 March to 1 April 2007, EURANTICA Brussels - fine art & antiques fair creates a meeting place for 30,000 fans and collectors of art and antiques for an especially prestigious and audacious show. For ten days rich in professional and cultural meetings, the Brussels trade fair, recognised for its eclecticism and its modernity, will highlight, in Palais 5 of Brussels Expo, a selection of 140 Belgian and foreign galleries. With its contemporary and dynamic approach, EURANTICA Brussels is the largest show in Belgium in the arts and antiques sector. As was the case at the last three fairs, more than 20% of the participants will be new, which will enlarge the part of the fair devoted to new discoveries, especially in the 20th Century area and in that of the Arts Premiers, contributing particularly to strengthening it in terms of quality. “Furniture through the centuries”, theme of Eurantica 2007
’07 Brabanthallen ’s-Hertogenbosch Van
С 15 по 22 апреля 2007
Graag heten wij u welkom op Artfair Den Bosch ’07 Brabanthallen ’s-Hertogenbosch Van 15 t/m 22 april 2007wordt in ’s-Hertogenbosch weer de 41ste jaarlijkse kunst- en antiekbeurs gehouden. Drieëntachtig antiquairs, kunsthandelaren en galeries uit Nederland, België en Duitsland presenteren er zich met een grote verscheidenheid aan kunstvoorwerpen en antiquiteiten. sfeervolle presentatie.
URL: http://www.antiekbeurs-denbosch.nl
Tribal & Antique Jewelry Fair' authentic and quality jewelry
30 сентября 2007
SUNDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2007 in AMSTERDAM from 10h00 till 18h00. On 'The Amsterdam Tribal & Antique Jewelry Fair' authentic and quality jewelry of a respectable age will be presented and offered for sale. The ethnic jewelry is from Africa, Asia, the Near-, Middle- and Far East. Europe is represented with antique jewelry alongside jewelry from the period 1910-1980. Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Amsterdamse School, Costume Jewelry, Early Plastics and bakelite jewelry.
URL: http://www.amsterdamjewelryfair.nl
4de Tribal Art Fair (TAF)
С 26 по 29 октября
Dit jaar vindt alweer de 4de Tribal Art Fair (TAF) plaats in de prachtige 18de eeuwse kerk De Duif in Amsterdam. Van 26 tot 29 oktober zullen 18 galeries uit binnen- en buitenland op de TAF de meest bijzondere etnografische voorwerpen tonen. De objecten komen niet alleen uit Afrika, Oceanië en Indonesië maar ook uit China, Mongolië en Tibet. Diversiteit is dan ook het sleutelwoord: het aanbod betreft zowel kostbare topstukken als betaalbare sieraden, rituele objecten en authentieke gebruiksvoorwerpen. De beurs is niet alleen interessant voor de verzamelaar, maar ook voor mensen die zich willen oriënteren op het gebied van etnografica.
URL: http://www.tribal-art-fair.nl
The Art and Antiques Fair of the Low Countries
С 18 по 25 ноября 2007
The Art and Antiques Fair of the Low Countries is being held for the 21st tim in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI and stands for variety, quality and elegance. pAn Amsterdam also presents an impressive selection of Greek, Roman and Asiatic art; ethnographic art; contemporary art; antique and modern silver and glassware; jewellery; maps; manuscripts; prints and drawings; 16th-century to contemporary paintings and sculptures; furniture from the 17th century to the Art Deco period; as well as icons, ceramics and porcelain. Over eighty experts in twelve specialised vetting committees ensure that the various objects on offer are of the highest quality. It is their task to examine each and every object for quality, condition and authenticity before the fair opens. If you need a break during your visit, you can relax at one of the fair's various catering terraces. We will be delighted to welcome you once again in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI from 18-25 November 2007.URL: http://www.pan-amsterdam.nl
Type: Fairs
Description: The Art and Antiques Fair of the Low Countries is being held for the 21st tim in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI and stands for variety, quality and elegance. pAn Amsterdam also presents an impressive selection of Greek, Roman and Asiatic art; ethnographic art; contemporary art; antique and modern silver and glassware; jewellery; maps; manuscripts; prints and drawings; 16th-century to contemporary paintings and sculptures; furniture from the 17th century to the Art Deco period; as well as icons, ceramics and porcelain. Over eighty experts in twelve specialised vetting committees ensure that the various objects on offer are of the highest quality. It is their task to examine each and every object for quality, condition and authenticity before the fair opens. If you need a break during your visit, you can relax at one of the fair's various catering terraces. We will be delighted to welcome you once again in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI from 18-25 November 2007.
Type: Fairs
Description: The Art and Antiques Fair of the Low Countries is being held for the 21st tim in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI and stands for variety, quality and elegance. pAn Amsterdam also presents an impressive selection of Greek, Roman and Asiatic art; ethnographic art; contemporary art; antique and modern silver and glassware; jewellery; maps; manuscripts; prints and drawings; 16th-century to contemporary paintings and sculptures; furniture from the 17th century to the Art Deco period; as well as icons, ceramics and porcelain. Over eighty experts in twelve specialised vetting committees ensure that the various objects on offer are of the highest quality. It is their task to examine each and every object for quality, condition and authenticity before the fair opens. If you need a break during your visit, you can relax at one of the fair's various catering terraces. We will be delighted to welcome you once again in the Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI from 18-25 November 2007.
URL: http://www.pan-amsterdam.nl