Более подробную информацию о блошиных рынках США смотрите здесь.
Январь 2007
January 4 - 7
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
January 12 - 14
Annapolis, Maryland
Historic Annapolis Antiques Show. Medford National Guard Armory. Hudson Street. Fri.-Sat. 11am-6pm, Sun. Noon-5pm. For information, Armacost Antiques Shows, Ltd., 410-267-7619 or 410-961-5121 or visit our website www.ArmacostAntiquesShows.com
January 19 - 21
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
January 26 - 28
Whippany, New Jersey
The 101st Birchwood Manor Antiques Show. The Birchwood Manor. 111 North Jefferson Rd. Fri. 12noon-8pm, Sat. 11am-7pm, Sun. 11am-5pm. For information, JMK Shows 973-927-2794 or 973-224-2797. Visit our website www.jmkshows.com
Февраль 2007
January 28 - & Feb. 11 & 25
Montpelier, Vermont
Antiques & Collectibles Flea Market. Montpelier Elks Country Club. Country Club Rd. 7:30am-1:30pm. For information 603-444-2012.
February 3 - 4
Puyallup, Washington
America's Largest Antique & Collectible Show. Puyallup Fair Grounds.1109th Ave. Southwest. Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For Information, Palmer-Wirfs 503-282-0877or visit our website www.palmerwirfs.com
February 11 -
Concord, Massachusetts
The Concord Armory Antiques Show & Sale. 9am-4pm. 91 Everett St. Paul Davis of Coastal Promotions, Inc. For information 207-563-1013 or email: antiquefest@hotmail.com
February 16 - 18
Des Moines, Iowa
Antique Spectacular. Polk County Convention Complex. 501 Grand Ave. Downtown. Fri. 5pm-9pm, Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 11am-4pm. For information, Melting Pot Productions, 888-677-4440 or email kim@antiquespectacular.com Visit our website www.antiquespectacular.com
February 23 - 24
Madison, Georgia
Madison Antiques Show & Sale. Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, 434 S. Main St. Fri. 10am-6pm, Sat. 10am-5pm. Preview Thurs. 5pm-8pm. For information 706-342-4743 or 877-233-0598.
February - April 1
Milford, New Hampshire
Open Every Sunday through April 1, 2007. Then re-opens October 14, 2007. Hampshire Hills Sports and Fitness Club, 50 Emerson Road. Early buying 9am-10am. General admission 10am-Noon. For information, Jack Donigian, 781-329-1192. Visit our website www.MilfordAntiqueShow.com
Март 2007
March 1 - 4
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
March 6 - 8
Sarasota, Florida
The Pineapple Antique Show & Sale. Sarasota Cay Club Resort, 7150 N. Tamiami Trail. Tues. 5-7:30 pm, Wed. 10am-5:30pm, Thurs. 10am-5pm. Presented by UMW of First United Methodist Church. For information Sally Altman 941-966-6395 or 941-955-0935 or visit our website www.FirstSRQ.net . E-mail sgaltman1@aol.com
March 9 - 10
West Hartford, Connecticut
Mountain Laurel Glass Show. St. Mark the Evangelist Church Parish Center, 467 Quaker Lane South. Fri. 6-9pm, Sat. 10am-5pm. For information 860-643-5353 or e-mail james.dwire@snet.net .
March 16 - 18
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
March 24 - 25
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantique City Spring Festival. New Atlantic City Convention Center. One Miss America Way. Sat. 10am-7pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, F & W Publications, Inc., 800-526-2724 or visit our website www.atlantiquecity.com
March 28 - 31
Round Top, Texas
39th Annual Spring Show. Big Red Barn. Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. For informtion Franks Promotions 512-237-4747. Email info@roundtoptexasantiques.com or visit our website www.roundtoptexas.com
March 31 - April 7
Burton, Texas
LaBahia Antique Show & Sale. 290 West Texas 237. Sat.-Fri. 8am-6pm, Sun. 8am-4pm. For information, 979-289-2684 or email labahia@swbell.net Visit our website www.labahiaantiques.com
Апрель 2007
April 2 - 7
Round Top, Texas
Cummins Creek at Round Top. 1223 Hwy. 237S. 10am-5pm. Early Buyer starts Monday at 9am-2. For information, 800-962-8120 or visit our website www.cumminscreek.com .
April 6 - 8
West Palm Beach, Florida
West Palm Beach Antique & Collectibles Show. South Florida Fairgrounds. 9067 Southern Blvd. Fri. Noon-5pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4:30pm. For information, DMG World Media, Bethany Coleman, 561-640-3433 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
April 13 - 15
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Antiques at Phil. Navy Pier. Cruise Terminal at Pier One. Naval Business Center. 5100 South Broad Street. Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, b4rtime, 703-914-1268 or email b4rtime@cox.net . Visit our website www.b4rtime.com
April 20 - 22
Binghamton, New York
25th Annual Binghamton Sertoma Million Dollar Antique Show. Binghamton University Events Center. Vestal Parkway East. Preview Fri. 6pm-9pm. Show Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Chip Hunt 607-771-6026 or email chunt1@stny.rr.com
April 27 - 28
Liberty, North Carolina
The Liberty Outdoor Antique Festival. John Marsh Road. 8am-6pm. For information, 336-622-3040.
Май 2007
May 3 - 6
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
May 8 - 13
Brimfield, Massachusetts
May's Antique Market. Route 20. Opens Thurs. 9am. For information, 413-245-9271 or email info@maysbrimfield.com Visit our website www.maysbrimfield.com
May 26 - 27
Rhinebeck, New York
Rhinebeck Spring Antiques Fair. Held indoors at Dutchess County Fairgrounds. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm. For information, Bruce Garrett, 845-876-1989 or visit our website www.RhinebeckAntiquesFair.com
May 26 - 28
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
Brandywine River Museum Antiques Show. Brandywine River Museum. Route 1. Sat.-Mon. 10am-5pm. For information, Armacost Antiques Shows, Ltd., 610-388-2700 or 410-961-5121 or visit our website www.ArmacostAntiquesShows.com
May 31 - June 3
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show Sell-a-bration. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
Июнь 2007
June 1 - 3
Bouckville, New York
Butternut Hill Field Antique Show. Route 20. For information, Craig Williams, 315-893-7497 or email Gister1@frontiernet.net
June 8 - 10
Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Antique Market. Atlanta Expo Centers. Jonesboro Road. Fri. & Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Scott Antique Markets, 740-569-4112 or visit our website www.scottantiquemarket.com
June 15 - 17
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
June 21 - 23
Cody, Wyoming
Cody Old West Show & Auction. Shows Fri. 3pm-7pm, Sat. 9am-5pm at Riley Events Center. 1400 Heart Mountain. Auction Thurs.10am at Cody Auditorium, 1240 Beck Ave. For information 310-202-9015. Email cody258@cox.net or visit our website www.codyoldwest.com
June 28 - 30
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Renninger's Antique Extravaganza. Thurs. 10am-5pm, Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-5pm. For information, Renninger's, 877-385-0104 or visit our website www.renningers.com
June 30
Toms River, New Jersey
Garden State Philharmonic Symphony League Antiques Show. Ritacco Center Sat. 10am-5pm. For information, 732-671-2676.
Июль 2007
July 4
S. Salem/Vista, New York
15th Antiques in the Church Yard. Stevens Mem'l United Methodist Church. Rt. 123 at Shady Lane. 9am-5pm. For information, Cord Shows, Ltd., 914-273-4667, cell 914-589-1355 or email cordshows@aol.com . Visit our website www.CordShows.com
July 7 - 8
Richmond, Virginia
Richmond Big Flea Market. Richmond Raceway Complex. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. Noon-5pm. For information, D'Amore Promotions, 757-430-4735 or visit our website www.damorepromotions.com
July 10 - 15
Brimfield, Massachusetts
Shelton Antique Shows. Route 20. Opens Tuesday Daybreak. For information, Lois Shelton, 413-245-3591 or email sheltons@prodigy.net Visit our website www.brimfieldsheltonshows.com
July 21 - 22
Chantilly, Virginia
DC Big Flea Market. Dulles Expo Center. Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 11am-5pm. For information, D'Amore Promotions, 757-430-4735 or visit our website www.damorepromotions.com
July 27 - 28
New Milford, Connecticut
40th New Milford Village Fair Days. Village Green. Route 202. Fri. 10am-10pm, Sat. 9am-9pm. For information, Cord Shows, Ltd., 914-273-466, cell 914-589-1355 or email cordshows@aol.com. Visit our website www.CordShows.com
Август 2007
August 2 - 5
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
August 9 - 11
Manchester, New Hampshire
50th Annual New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Assoc.Antique Show. Radisson Center of New Hampshire. 700 Elm Street. Thurs. & Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 10am-4pm. For show information call 603-585-9199 or visit our website www.nhada.org
August 13 - 18
Bouckville, New York
East Expo Field Antique Show. Route 20. For information, Mark Peavey, 315-363-5262 or email mpeavey@twcny.rr.com Visit our website http://home.twcny.rr.com/eastexpo/
August 25 - 26
Hartford, Connecticut
52nd Papermania Plus, Antique Paper Advertising & Photography Show. The Hartford Civic Center. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. Hillcrest Promotions 860-563-9975 or 860-529-2234. Email garyg@pcshost.com or Visit our website www.papermaniaplus.com
August 30 - September 2
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
Сентябрь 2007
September 1 - 2
St. Charles, Illinois
Kane County Flea Market. Kane County Fairgrounds. Route 64 & Randall Road. Sat. Noon-5pm, Sun. 7am-4pm. For information, Robinson Family, 630-377-2252 or visit our website www.kanecountyfleamarket.com
September 4 - 9
Brimfield, Massachusetts
Shelton Antique Shows. Route 20. Opens Tuesday Daybreak. For information, Lois Shelton, 413-245-3591 or email sheltons@prodigy.net Visit our website www.brimfieldsheltonshows.com
September 14 - 16
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
September 15 - 16
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Sandwich Glass Museum's 20th Annual Cape Cod Glass Show & Sale. Location TBA. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm. For information, 508-888-0251.
September 22 - 23
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy Antique Advertising Show. Indiana State Fairgrounds. Champions Pavilion. 1202 E. 38th Street. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm. For information, A & M Promotions, 317-694-0253 or visit our website www.indyadshow.com
September 27 - 29
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Renninger's Antique Extravaganza. Thurs. 10am-5pm, Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-5pm. For information, Renninger's, 877-385-0104 or visit our website www.renningers.com
September 29 - October 6
Burton, Texas
LaBahia Antique Show & Sale. 290 West Texas 237. Sat.-Fri. 8am-6pm, Sun. 8am-4pm. For information, 979-289-2684 or email labahia@swbell.net Visit our website www.labahiaantiques.com
Октябрь 2007
October 1 - 6
Round Top, Texas
Cummins Creek at Round Top. 1223 Hwy. 237S. 10am-5pm. Early Buyer starts Monday 9am-2pm. For information, 800-962-8120 or visit our website www.cumminscreek.com .
October 5 - 7
Weston, Vermont
49th Annual Weston Antiques Show. Playhouse on the Village Green. Route 100. Preview Thurs. 5pm-7:30pm. Show Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm. For information, Patti Prairie, 802-824-5307 or visit our website www.WestonAntiquesShow.com
October 12 - 14
Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Antique Market. Atlanta Expo Centers. Jonesboro Road. Fri. & Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Scott Antique Markets, 740-569-4112 or visit our website www.scottantiquemarket.com
October 19 - 21
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
October 26 - 28
Miami Beach, Florida
Miami Beach Antique Jewelry, Watch & Watch Show. Miami Beach Convention Center. 1901 Convention Center Drive. Fri.-Sat. 11am-7pm, Sun. 11am-6pm. For information, DMG World Media, Andrea Canady, 239-732-6642 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
October 31 - November 4
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show Fall Spectacular. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Wed.-Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
Ноябрь 2007
October 31 - November 4
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show Fall Spectacular. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Wed.-Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
November 3 - 4
Chantilly, Virginia
DC Big Flea Market. Dulles Expo Center. Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 11am-5pm. For information, D'Amore Promotions, 757-430-4735 or visit our website www.damorepromotions.com
November 9 - 11
Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Antique Market. Atlanta Expo Centers. Jonesboro Road. Fri. & Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Scott Antique Markets, 740-569-4112 or visit our website www.scottantiquemarket.com
November 16 - 18
Alexandria, Virginia
Historic Alexandria Antiques Show. The Holiday Inn. 625 First Street. Fri. 11am-8pm, Sat. 11am-7pm, Sun. Noon-5pm. For information, Armacost Antiques Shows, Ltd., 703-549-5811 or 410-961-5121 or visit our website www.ArmacostAntiquesShows.com
November 24 - 25
Columbus, Ohio
Scott Antique Market. Ohio Expo Center. Ohio State Fairgrounds. Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Scott Antique Markets, 740-569-4112 or visit our website www.scottantiquemarket.com
November 29 - December 2
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Antique & Collectibles Show. Metrolina Expo. 7100 Statesville Road. Thurs. 8am-5pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, DMG World Media, Lydia Sullivan, 800-824-3770 or visit our website www.dmgantiqueshows.com
Декабрь 2007
December 1 - 2
Long Branch, New Jersey
Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Antiques & Collectibles Show. Long Branch Middle School. Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm. For information, 732-671-2676.
December 7 - 9
Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Antique Market. Atlanta Expo Centers. Jonesboro Road. Fri. & Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. For information, Scott Antique Markets, 740-569-4112 or visit our website www.scottantiquemarket.com
December 14 - 16
Cumming, Georgia
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market. 1321 Atlanta Highway. Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, 770-889-3400 or email lakewood400@earthlink.net Visit our website www.lakewoodantiques.com
December 29 - 30
Raleigh, North Carolina
Raleigh Antiques Festival. North Carolina State Fairgrounds. Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. For information, D'Amore Promotions, 757-430-4735 or visit our website www.damorepromotions.com
Более подробную информацию о блошиных рынках США смотрите здесь.