События в марте 2012 года
01 |
2012 |
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Барселона |
Antiquaris Barcelona
Место проведения: Montju
Организатор: Fira de Barcelona
Адрес: Avenida Reina M
Web: http://www.firabcn.es
E-mail: info@firabcn.es
Телефон: + 34 93 233 20 00
Факс: + 34 93 233 23 19
Выставка посвящена антиквариату и современному искусству.
Тематические разделы выставки: Антиквариат, Картины, Скульптуры, Мебель, Коллекционирование
02-04 |
2012 |
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Москва |
IV Выставка-продажа «Бижутерия. От винтажа до наших дней»
Место проведения: Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, строение 36
Организатор: Выставочная компания «НОК»
Художественный проект «Винтаж. Истории моды» стартовал в декабре 2006г. в рамках рождественской выставки-ярмарки «Блошиный рынок». В мае 2008 года проект начал самостоятельное существование и стартовал одноименной выставкой на Тишинке. С октября 2010 проект получил продолжение в рамках выставки-продажи «Бижутерия» уже на новой площадке — «Амбер Плаза».
02-04 |
2012 |
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Сен-Гален |
St.Galler Brocante - 2012
Ярмарка антиквариата
02-04 |
2012 |
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Exeter |
Powderham Castle Antiques Fair & Fine Art Fair
Powderham Castle, Kenton, Exeter, Devon EX6 8JL
Antiques fair located at the historial home of the Earl of Devon.
Open: 11am - 5pm daily. Admission £5.
Tel. 01278 784912
02-04 |
2012 |
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Salisbury |
Wilton House Antiques Fair
Wilton House, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 0BJ
Held in the magnificent Palladian home of the Earl and Countess of Pembroke, this prestigious dateline fair comprises some 40 stands of top-class antiques including fine and country furniture, jewellery, paintings, clocks, silver, porcelain, glass and collectables.
Open 10.30 am - 5.00 pm, entry £5.50.
Tel. 01722 746700
02-10 |
2012 |
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Москва |
XXXII Российский Антикварный Салон
Место проведения: Москва, Крымский вал, 10, Центральный Дом Художника
Организатор: Экспопарк
02-04 |
2012 |
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Севилья |
Desembalaje de antigüedades de Sevilla 2012
Место проведения: Fibes Sevilla Организатор: Fira de Barcelona
Desembalaje de antigüedades de Sevilla 2012 celebrará este año su tercera edición en las instalaciones del recinto ferial FIBES de Sevilla, entre los próximos días 02 al 04 de marzo de 2012.
En Desembalaje de antigüedades de Sevilla 2012 podremos encontrar una muy amplia muestra de antigüedades de todo tipo.
03-05 |
2012 |
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Аликанте |
Desembalaje de antigüedades de Sevilla 2012
Место проведения: IFA Institución Ferial Alicantina
web: desembalaje.feria-alicante.com/2011/index.ph
El salón desembalaje antigüedades Alicante 2012, celebrará este año su segunda edición en las instalaciones del recinto ferial de la IFA, institución ferial alicantina, entre los próximos días 3 al 5 de marzo de 2012. En este salón se nos mostrarán una gran variedad de antigüedades de todo tipo.
El salón desembalaje antigüedades Alicante 2012, se espera que cuente con una gran acogida, al igual que lo que ocurrió en su pasada edición, de ahí que sea un punto de encuentro ideal para los amantes y profesionales del mundo de las antigüedades en Alicante.
03 |
2012 |
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Wetherby |
Wetherby Antiques & Collectors Fair
Town Hall Wetherby, Market Place, Wetherby, West Yorkshire
Held in the ballroom of the Town Hall Every Saturday except Easter Sat.Established since 1979. 22 stand capacity, with lift and disabled access. An eclectic range of antiques and collectables including linen, small furniture, books, stamps, postcards etc.
Open 9.30am - 4.30pm Free Admission.
D.M.L. Fairs
Tel. 01937582803
03 |
2012 |
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Carmarthen |
Carmarthen Antiques and Collectors Fair
United Counties Showground, Nantyci, Carmarthen, SA33 5DR
Well established showground fair of 150+ stands of quality antiques and genuine collectors items, with good specialists in Welsh furniture, pottery and porcelain.
Admission £3.50 adults. All indoors. Plenty of free, level parking. Access directly off the A40(West) dual carriageway, about 1 mile west of Carmarthen
Open: 10am - 5pm (10am - 4pm Sunday).
Tel. 01267 236569
03 |
2012 |
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Wakefield |
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Antiques Fair
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Discover the wonderful world of antiques at QEGS Antiques Fair.Vintage glamour, gracing the halls in this spectacular setting.Enjoy home-made refreshments,ample free parking and something for all ages.
Open 10.00am to 4.00pm, Entry £2 Concession £1.00 Trade from 8.00am £2
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School PA
Tel. 07715759171
03-04 |
2012 |
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Derby |
Derby Roundhouse Antiques and Collectors Fair
The Roundhouse, Pride Park, Derby
After holding events for over 15yrs at The University of Derby, Jaguar Fairs have been told that the University will no longer be hosting ANY commercial events from the end of 2011. With this Jaguar are delighted to be welcomed at The Roundhouse, which is a larger venue on one level, plus it is in the heart of Derby adjacent to the railway station.
Tel. 01332 830444
04 |
2012 |
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Doncaster Racecourse |
Doncaster Racecourse Antique and Collectors Fair
Doncaster Racecourse, Lazarus Exhibition Hall, Exit 32 M1, Exit 3&4 M18, Exit 36 A1M. South Yorkshire DN2 6BB
Up to 400 stalls at this fantastic new exhibition hall.
Free car parking.
Trade entry free.
Open: 9.30am to 4.30pm.
Tel. 0161 2831255 or 0161 766 2012
04 |
2012 |
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Эдинбург |
Meadowbank Stadium Antique & Collectors Fair
Meadowbank Stadium, London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE
150 stands.
Open: 10am - 4.30pm Admission £1 (accompanied children free), Trade admission is free, and from 8am onwards.
Tel. 01764 654555
04 |
2012 |
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Стемфорд |
Stamford Arts Centre Antique and Collectors Fair
Stamford Arts Centre, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2DL
A delightful 1 day Antiques and Collectors Fair in the lovely market town of Stamford.
Open: 9.30am - 4.30pm.
Tel. 07772 349431
04 |
2012 |
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Стемфорд |
Lewes Town Hall Art Deco Fair
Lewes Town Hall, Corn Exchange, High St. Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2DE
A new event for 2010. Ground floor location with the capacity for 60 stalls including furniture. Lewes is one of the famous Historic market towns in East Sussex with a constant flow of tourists year round and in one of the most affluent areas in Southern England.
Open 10am - 4pm. Entry £2.
Tel. 01273 248739
04 |
2012 |
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High St. Lewes |
Lewes Town Hall Art Deco Fair
Lewes Town Hall, Corn Exchange, High St. Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2DE
A new event for 2010. Ground floor location with the capacity for 60 stalls including furniture. Lewes is one of the famous Historic market towns in East Sussex with a constant flow of tourists year round and in one of the most affluent areas in Southern England.
Open 10am - 4pm. Entry £2.
Tel. 01273 248739
04 |
2012 |
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Framwellagte Moor |
New College Durham Antiques and Collectors Fair
New College Durham, Framwellagte Moor, Durham, DH1 5ES
Antique and Collectors Fair. Capacity 180 stands.
Open: 9.30am-4pm. Adults £1.20, students 60p.
Tel. 0191 2619632
04 |
2012 |
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Carmarthen |
Carmarthen Antiques and Collectors Fair
United Counties Showground, Nantyci, Carmarthen, SA33 5DR
Well established showground fair of 150+ stands of quality antiques and genuine collectors items, with good specialists in Welsh furniture, pottery and porcelain.
Admission £3.50 adults. All indoors. Plenty of free, level parking. Access directly off the A40(West) dual carriageway, about 1 mile west of Carmarthen
Open: 10am - 5pm (10am - 4pm Sunday).
Tel. 01267 236569
04 |
2012 |
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Ellesmere |
Ellesmere Antique & Collectors Fair
The Town Hall, Willow Street, Ellesmere, Shropshire
Popular monthly Antique & Collectors fair selling a wide range of items including furniture,ceramics, clocks, gold,silver, postcards ,pictures vintage costume jewellery and much more.
Free Parking, disabled facilities, good quality refreshments.
Open 10am till 4.30pm, (trade FOC 8am till 10am).
Tel. 01948710866
04 |
2012 |
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Barkway |
Barkway Antiques & Vintage Fair
Barkway Village Hall , Cambridge Road, Barkway , Hertfordshire
New Fair for 2011 Set in the picturesque village of Barkway the fair has 20+ stalls which offer a wide range of antique and vintage wares from clothes to ceramics. The fair is from 10am-4pm and will be selling delicious homemade cakes & biscuits entrance is 50p.
Tel. 07912322538
04 |
2012 |
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Ely |
Ely 20th Century & Modern Design Collectors Fair
The Maltings, Ship Lane, Ely, Cambridgeshire
With dealers specialising in all areas of 20th Century curios and retro collectables from Art Nouveau & Art Deco through to the Psychedelic 60s and the Funky 70s to include art, ceramics, stoneware, glassware, furniture, clothes, books, prints, music & film memorabilia and so much more...
Fruit Tree Events
Tel. 01638 603518
04 |
2012 |
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Harrogate |
Harrogate Art Deco, Art Nouveau and 20th Century Design Fair
The Crown Hotel, Crown Place, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Specialist Art Deco Fair, incorporating Art Deco, Art Nouveau and early post war design. Dealers from around the UK selling a cross section of items including lighting, furniture, ceramics, Jewelery, Glass and much more. Open: 10.00am to 4.00pm Admission £3.00.
Tel. 07812510298
04 |
2012 |
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Йорк |
York Discover Vintage Fair
York Barbican, Paragon Street, York, Yorkshire
Discover Vintage specially select stall holders from across the country with excellent Vintage Fashion & Home wares from the 1900's-1970's.
entry £2.50 opening 11am -4pm
Discover Vintage Fairs
Tel. 0788 0910361
04 |
2012 |
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Гиссен |
Место проведения Hessenhallen - Messe Giessen
Организатор: Messe Giessen GmbH
An der Hessenhalle 11
35398 Gießen
Telefon: +49 (0)641 962160
Telefax: +49 (0)641 9621610
Ярмарка - блошиный рынок.
An jedem ersten Sonntag des Monats lädt Hessens größter Hallenflohmarkt in die Giessener Hessenhallen ein: 5500 m² Hallenfläche und 3000 m² Freifläche stehen im Gießener Ausstellungszentrum Hessenhallen für den "Antik & Trödelmarkt" bereit.
Ob Haushaltswaren oder Kleidung, Spielzeug oder Schmuck, Schallplatten, Bücher oder Filme - für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei. Einzigartig ist allerdings das breite Angebot an antikem Mobiliar und wertvollen Sammlerpräziosen des Spezialmarktes. Da lacht das Sammlerherz und freut sich der Geldbeutel.
Seit 1996 ist der fest etablierte Antik & Trödelmarkt in der Stadt an der Lahn ein echter Dauerbrenner und lockt im Schnitt rund 3000 Besucher an, die in den Auslagen von etwa 200 Ausstellern nach lang ersehnten Lieblingsstücken oder spontanen Schnäppchen suchen.
Frei von Neuwaren, unabhängig von Wind und Wetter bietet sich auf einer Fläche von 5500 m² und einer optionalen Freifläche von 3000 m² die Möglichkeit, den Sonntagvormittag mal etwas anders zu verbringen - oder eine liebe Gewohnheit zu pflegen. Und wenn das Wetter mitspielt, kann dank des großzügigen Freigeländes der Hessenhallen aus einem Sonntagsausflug ein sonniges Open-Air-Erlebnis werden. Für ausreichend Parkplätze und das leibliche Wohl ist bestens gesorgt.
Der Preis pro qm beträgt € 3,75.
Ferner wird eine Reinigungs- und Müllgebühr in Höhe von je € 2,50 erhoben.
Die Stände müssen spätestens bis 7:45 Uhr besetzt sein! Stände die nach 7:45 Uhr noch frei sind, werden an andere Bewerber vergeben.
Numismata München
Место проведения: M.O.C, Events and Order Center
Организатор: Numismata International
Адрес: Reichenbachstr. 17
Телефон: +49089/268-359
Факс: +49089/2609-060
NUMISMATA - это самая крупная международная ярмарка нумизматики в мире, с огромным ассортиментом монет, банкнот, ценных бумаг, а также антиквариата.
Множество коллекционеров всего мира представляют здесь классику нумизматики, что безусловно вызывает интерес как коммерсантов или профессионалов, так и дебютантов. На 3500 кв.м. выставочной площади более 250 участников представляют Вашему вниманию свои монеты начиная от античных времён до наших дней, банкноты, премонетные формы денег, исторически-ценные бумаги, акции, специальную литературу и аксессуары, а также многое, многое другое.
Ярмарки NUMISMATA проходят в трех крупных, прекрасно расположенных городах, куда из каждой федеральной земли Германии или любой точки мира очень удобно добраться. Эти ярмарки предоставляют большие возможности иностранным коммерсантам и коллекционерам быть в тесном контакте со своими клиентами и поставщиками, а также предлагают новые интересные, многообещающие бизнес-встречи.
11 |
2012 |
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Cannington |
Cannington Antique & Collectors Fair
Место проведения: Cannington Exhibition Centre, cnr Albany Highway & Station St,
Cannington W.A. (In front of the Greyhound Venue)
Время работы: 10:00 to 15:00
Enquiries to: vintageservices@iinet.net.au
First fair for 2012 with tables selling small antiques, collectables, china, glass, ephemera, toys, tools, militaria, books, cards, kitchenalia, coins, clocks or more.
Ballarat Antique Fair
Место проведения: Badminton Center, Dowling st., Wendouree, Vic, 3355
Started in 1971 in St.Paul’s Hall the Ballarat Antique Fair has had quite a few moves and expanded to become Australia’s largest and longest running antique fair.
In 1971 when the antique trade was still in it’s infancy a dozen or so dealers were brought together for the first Ballarat Antique Fair. Some of the early exhibitors included long standing dealers, Jean Holmes, Ian Redpath, Spencer Sandilands and Graham Geddes.
In 1978 the fair moved to St.Patrick’s Hall in the middle of Ballarat and expanded to around 25 dealers where it
continued into the 1990’s. With a large number of extra exhibitors wanting to participate the fair expanded to include the Masonic hall across the road in the mid 1990’s.
The exhibitor list now was up to around 45 dealers and the patrons moved from venue to venue to view and make purchases.
This worked well for about 4 years until the Masonic Hall became unavailable, and more space was needed to fit in more exhibitors wanting to participate.
In the late 1990’s the Civic Hall in Mair Street was taken on as well as St.Patricks Hall, this was about 6 blocks away but was large enough to include another 35 exhibitors. This brought the exhibitor list up to around 70 dealers. A shuttle bus ran between venues and this worked well and sales and patronage continued to increase. After 3 years in both venues the City council decided to redevelop the Civic Hall and said it would no longer be available. With still more exhibitors wanting participate in the fair, and no other city venues available it was decided to move the event lock, stock and barrel to one venue capable of housing it under one roof.
15-18 |
2012 |
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Лейпциг |
Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse
Место проведения: Messe Leipzig
Messe-Allee 1
04356 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)341 6780
Fax: +49 (0)341 6788762
Организатор: abooks.de e.K.
40094 Dusseldorf, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)211 3190070
Fax: +49 (0)211 3190071
The Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair is an International sales exhibition for antiquarian books, prints and autographs at the Leipzig Book Fair. Presented as one of the leading antiquarian book fairs in Germany here antiquarian bookshops their offerings in a special area and offer them for sale. Presented is the spectrum of classic rare antique book to print.
16-18 |
2012 |
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Сеграте |
Выставка антиквариата (Сеграте, Ломбардия)
Место проведения: Parco Esposizioni Novegro
Организатор: COMIS Lombardia
Адрес: Via Novegro, Segrate
Индекс: 20090
Телефон: 02 70 20 00 22
Факс: 02 75 61 050 - 02 70 20 81 01
Fiera del collezionismo, delle curiosita e delle occasioni di antiquariato.
16-18 |
2012 |
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Форли |
Место проведения: Fiera di Forli
Организатор: Coine
Адрес: via Punta di Ferro, 2
Индекс: 47100
Телефон: +39 0543.090343
Факс: +39 0543.090344
Часы работы:
14.00 – 20.00 (venerdì)
10.00 – 20.00 (sabato e domenica)
Мода, которая живет дважды. Выставка, посвященная любителям раритетных предметов, которая подарит новые идеи по использованию предметов, которые смогут обрести вторую жизнь благодаря удачному сочетанию современных тенденций и уникальных стилей прошлого. Тематические разделы выставки: мода, одежда, мебель, дизайн, аксессуары, пластинки, комиксы, игрушки, коллекционирование.
Vintage è il salone-mercato dedicato agli amanti degli oggetti d’annata, per così dire. Tanti gli articoli proposti a Vintage per riscoprire mode e tendenze, per ripescare nel vicino passato idee e modi originali di vestire, oggetti cult che hanno fatto la storia e continuano ad esercitare un fascino indiscusso sulle nuove generazioni. Una incredibile vetrina di abiti, gioielli, accessori, dischi, libri e tutto ciò che può fare collezione attende i visitatori di Vintage presso la Fiera di Forlì.
Gli amanti della moda potranno sbizzarrirsi alla fiera Vintage, occasione ideale di trovare raccolti in un unico spazio tanti articoli diversi, tutti da acquistare ed indossare per crearsi un look insolito ed inimitabile.
Alla fiera Vintage tanti oggetti di design che riportano a stili ed epoche passate alla storia, per dare un tocco di originalità alla propria casa.
E poi dischi in vinile, libri, giocattoli ed oggetti vari per gli appassionati di collezionismo che ricercano continuamente pezzi unici ed autentici, tutto questo a Vintage, la mostra-mercato dell’oggetto d’annata, del modernariato, del collezionismo.
Settori Merceologici: Abbigliamento; Accessori; Comics; giocattoli; Oggettistica; Modernariato; Gioielli; Dischi in vinile; Libri e fumetti; Collezionismo; vintage fashion; remake.
03-06 |
2012 |
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Люксембург |
Art & Antiques fair - 2012
Выставка антиквариата и современного искусства
17-25 |
2012 |
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Падуя |
NEF - Nord Est Fair Srl
Via A. Costa, 19
35125, Padova
Tel: (+39) 049/8800305
Fax: (+39) 049/8800944
Email: fiere@intermediasrl.org
URL: www.intermediapubblicita.com
Mostre di arte e di Antiquariato, aste, mercati italiani e internazionali. Appuntamento in fiera per la mostra dei pezzi d'antiquariato italiano e d'oltralpe, che datano dal XVIII sec. sino al Modernariato. La rassegna riveste carattere nazionale. Saranno esposti mobili, quadri, arazzi, porcellane, gioielli, sculture, lampade Decò e Liberty, oltre ai libri rari e all’ oggettistica. Un appuntamento assolutamente da non perdere per i collezionisti.
22-25 |
2012 |
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Москва |
XXIV Выставка-Ярмарка «Блошиный рынок»
Место проведения: Москва, Тишинская пл., д. 1
Организатор: Выставочная компания «ЭКСПОДИУМ»
Стилизованные под блошиные развалы стенды будут заполнены предметами интерьера и быта, винтажными украшениями, игрушками, мебелью, живописью, декоративно-прикладным искусством с европейских блошек, азиатских рынков, восточных базаров, российской провинции. Цены на выставке умеренные, торг уместен, а обстановка располагает к непринужденному общению. Часы работы в будни с 12.00 до 21.00, в выходные - с 11.00 до 21.00.
23-25 |
2012 |
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Киото |
International Antiquarian Book Fair in Kyoto - 2012
Выставка антикварных книг
23-25 |
2012 |
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Любляна |
Collecta Ljubljana (International Collectors Fair)
Collecta in Ljubljana is an international collectors fair where collectors from different areas meet to discuss. Children receive special attention at the show, as there are special guided tours offered for them. Besides the possibility to exchange items with other collectors, the Collecta also offers exhibitions on various themes, auctions, lectures, book launches and much more.
28-31 |
2012 |
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Феррара |
Место проведения: Ferrara Fiere Congressi
Организатор: ACROPOLI S.r.l.
Адрес: Viale Mercanzia - Blocco 2B Galleria A - n.70, CenterGross
Индекс: 40050
Телефон: + 39 051 864310
Факс: + 39 051 864313
RESTAURO - первая и единственная итальянская выставка, полностью посвященная реставрации, сохранению и защите исторического, художественного, архитектурного и природного наследия. Restauro – это место встречи для дискуссий, обмена идеями и последними достижениями в области реставрации. Посетители смогут принять участие в конференциях и семинарах на самые различные темы: от наиболее важных реставрационных проектов до последних разработок науки и техники, реставрации современной архитектуры и восстановления городского пейзажа в целом, все это станет возможным благодаря содействию самых известных и уважаемых международных реставраторов, экспертов в сфере культуры и искусства.
29-31 |
2012 |
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Бухарест |
Antique Market - 2012
Специализированная выставка антиквариата
30-31 |
2012 |
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Инсбрук |
Euroantik Innsbruck
Выставка антиквариата
The Euroantik is Austria's largest trade fair for collectors of art, antiques and exquisite worn articles. This fair offers a large selection of rare and high quality Antiqutiäten from times past.
30-31 |
2012 |
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Канберра |
Canberra Seasonal Antiques Fair
Место проведения: Royal Albert Hall
Commonwealth Avenue, Canberra ACT