По-русски: блошиный рынок, вшивый рынок, барахолка, толкучка, толкучий рынок
По-английски: flea market, second-hand goods market, car-boot-sale, garage (jumble, estate, yard, rummage) sale, swap meet
По-французски: foire, marché aux puces, les puces, vide greniers
По-итальянски: mercato di ferri vecchi/degli stracci/dell'usato/delle pulci
По-немецки: Trödelmarkt, Flohmarkt
По-испански: rastro (mercado)
По-словацки: Blší trh
На идише: мециес
Aladin — "Le magazine des chineurs" A french antique magazine which features an excellent calendar of antique shows and fairs.
Bazaar — market or flea market in Egipt, Turkey.
Bric a Brac — A shop selling flea market type and other second hand items
Brocante — An upscale flea market at which lower priced antiques can also be found.
Chineur —- A individual who loves ferreting about at flea markets and antique shows for that unusual find and who doesn't shy away from digging in the boxes under the tables! Also: A French magazine for providing a calendar of antique fairs and flea markets
Depot-Vente — A Consignment Shop
Feria — flea market in Argentina, Cuba, Peru.
Ferinha — flea market in Brazil.
Flohmarkt — flea market in Germany.
Foire d'Antiquités — Antique Fair, usually professional dealers only.
Mercado — market or flea market in Venezuela, Guatemala, Santo Domingo, Spain, Mexica.
Puces — Fleamarket: Literally "Fleas", short for "marché aux puces".
Shuk, street "tiangge" corner — (Arab) flea market.
Vide-Grenier — Literally "Emptying of the Attic". These are usually village sales at which there are a mixture of professional and invidual sellers offering everything and anything. A cross between a community garage sale and a flea market.
Jumble sale
A Jumble Sale is a sale of second hand goods, usually by an institution such as a local church, as a fundraising effort.
They will typically ask local people to donate goods, which are set out on tables in the same manner as car boot sales, and sold to members of the general public, who have paid a fee to enter the sale.
Typically in the UK the entry fee is somewhere between fifty pence and one pound fifty.
Jumble Sales in Britain have a reputation for being somewhat like a rugby scrum as people jostle for bargains.
Estate sale
An estate sale is a type of garage sale, yard sale or auction to dispose of the majority of the materials owned by a deceased person. Estate sales are usually conducted, for a percentage of the take, by specialists. This is because the scope of the process is usually overwhelming to the survivors, and for the specialist's experience with pricing antique items, his or her following of customers, and the specialist's experience in disposing of unsold goods in an unsentimental manner after the run of the sale. Antique and collectible dealers use estate sales as one of their more important wholesale sources, and many estate sales have their first day reserved for dealers. Estate sales are typically 3 to 4 days long, often with a price reduction toward the end. Unknowingly to the shopper, estate sales can be salted with goods left over from other sales or business ventures of the sale's conductor.
Where the survivors of the deceased can not agree to the disposition of tangible property, a court may order those goods to be sold in an estate sale with the proceeds to be divided between the survivors. Such a sale and division may also be mandated in the will of the deceased.
Garage sale
A garage sale (also known as a yard sale, rummage sale or jumble sale) is an informal, irregularly scheduled marketplace of used household goods, typically sold by one or at most a few families.
Typically the goods in a garage sale will be unwanted items from the household conducting the sale, offered for the purpose of minimizing their possessions while raising funds. The seller displays his wares to the passers-by or those responding to signs or newspaper ads. The sales venue is usually a garage, driveway, front yard, porch or combination of the above. Although some vendors, known as 'squatters' will set up in a highly trafficked area not on their own property. Staples of garage sales include old clothing, books, toys, and board games. Larger items like furniture and occasionally appliances are also sold. Garage sales occur most frequently in suburban areas on good-weather weekends. Such sales attract people who are searching for bargains or for rare and unusual items. Bargaining on prices is routine, and items may or may not have price labels affixed. Some people buy goods from these sales to restore them for resale.
Car boot sale
Car boot sales are a mainly British form of market in which private individuals come together to sell their unwanted items. In US terms, a car boot sale would be considered somewhere between a garage sale and a swap meet. Though garage sales are not unknown in the UK, car boot sales are much more popular.
Car boot sales are often held in the grounds of schools and other community buildings, or in grassy fields or carparks. Usually they take place on weekend mornings. Sellers pay a nominal fee for their pitch, and arrive with their goods in the boot (trunk) of their car. Usually the items are then unpacked onto folding trestle tables, a blanket or tarpaulin, or simply the ground. Entry to the general public is usually free, but there may be an optional donation box for a charity at the entrance. Advertised opening times are often not strictly adhered to, and in many cases the nature of the venue itself makes it impossible to prevent keen bargain hunters from wandering in as soon as the first stallholders arrive.
To a large extent car boot sales are used to sell unwanted household goods, ranging from old books, records, videos, toys, stamps, coins, through to radios, ornaments, tools, clocks, furniture, kitchenware, and clothes. However, a number of commercial sellers often make their appearance selling vegetables, or new goods such as tools, toys, batteries,ornaments and fittings, paper, pens and stationery. Almost everything is sold at knock down prices ranging from 10p to 50p for books, through to several pounds for the most expensive items.
Anyone can turn up at a car boot sale to sell their stuff, whether a first timer, a regular, or a seasoned professional. To secure the best pitches, it is best to turn up very early, e.g. from 5AM. Often amateurs will bring a car load of junk to sell when they move home, or clear out the home of a deceased relative.
No guarantees are given in a car boot sale and if something does not work, you can't take it back. The rule is caveat emptor - buyer beware.
The fun of a car boot sale is that you never know what you will find of use in someone else's junk. Mostly it is junk that can be found, but occaisionally stories have made the papers of antiques or paintings being bought for a few pounds in a car boot sale and then sold in auction for thousands. Film collector Gordon Hendry, for example, purchased two episodes of the televison series Doctor Who on 16 mm film at a sale in the early 1980s, paying £8 each. He later found that they were the only known surviving copies of these episodes (see Doctor Who missing episodes).
It is not unknown for stolen goods to be sold at car boot sales.
Flea market
A flea market, also known as a swap meet, is a place where vendors come to sell their goods. The goods are usually inexpensive and range in quality depending on several factors which might include; urban or rural location of the flea market, part of the country that you are in, or popularity/size of the flea market. Flea market shopping is a popular pastime for many people in the Western world. The car boot sale is similar to a flea market, but is more popular in Britain.
The vast majority of flea markets in rural areas sell goods that are second-hand. Larger selections of newer but usually inexpensive items can be found at some of the larger or more urban flea markets. They have also sometimes been used as an outlet for bootleg movies or music, or counterfeit goods. The semi-spontaneous nature and vendor-oriented open-market layouts of flea markets usually differentiate them from thrift stores.
Flea markets have analogous specialty counterparts in gun shows and hamfests, both of which offer both plenty of new merchandise as well as used goods for those into guns or ham radio. Like the general flea markets, both gun shows and hamfests do offer plenty of surplus goods.
Many television shows (starting in the late 1990s) focus on the appraisal of second-hand goods, often found at flea markets, that turn out to be worth far more than the buyer paid for them. In the United States, the most popular of these television shows is Antiques Roadshow.
The original flea market is likely to be the Marché aux puces of Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis, in the northern suburbs of Paris, a large, long-established outdoor bazaar, one of four in Paris, that earned their name from the flea-infested clothing and rags sold there. From the late 17th century, the makeshift open-air market in the town of Saint-Ouen began as temporary stalls and benches among the fields and market gardens where ragpickers exchanged their findings for a small sum. In modern days, the largest "flea market" for antiques is still that at Saint-Ouen.
"Flea market" is defined as a place of business that provides space more than six (6) times a year under a single promoter's permit at the same location to two (2) or more people making retail sales of property, usually but not exclusively second-hand property, that is not permanently displayed or stored at the flea market.
(Rhode Island law (US) , Chapter 44-19 "Sales and Use Taxes – Enforcement and Collection", Section 44-19-15.2)