Cheap as cheap can
You do need some time to find a good piece here, but sometimes it's really worth it! The shop offers clothes for women, men and kids, piled up in numerous shelves. Apart from the usual stuff, you can get bikinis, rompers, dirndls or trousers from the 70s. There is an easy explanation for that huge amount of clothes: Many people get rid of their old dresses by putting them into one of the "Humana"-containers which are put up all around town. Prices are unbeatable, starting at EUR1.5. The firm is supposed to support humanitarian projects in the developing countries with parts of the returns. A branch is at Mariahilfer Straße.
Address: Wiedner Hauptstraße 23-25 Wien 1040
Opening hours: 9am-6pm Mon-Fri; 9am-5pm Sat
Telephone: +43 1 504 30 56
Neighbourhood: 4th district - Wieden
Nearest train: Karlsplatz (U1, U2, U4)
Antiques and furniture
The Glasfabrik is another alternative to all those big chains of furniture stores. What you get at this place (displayed over two floors) ranges from old wooden theater chairs to really romantic sofas (often in pink...). It's not exactly cheap to furnish one's home with all this old furniture, but it is definitely worth dropping by now and then. Glasfabrik also carries antique pieces, although most of it needs to be restored. It's a good idea to bring your car!
Address: Lorenz-Mandl-Gasse 25 Wien A-1160
Opening hours: 10am-7pm Tue; 2pm-8pm Thu; 10am-2pm Sat
Telephone: +43 1 494 34 90
Neighbourhood: 16th district - Ottakring
Nearest train: Wernhardtstrasse (10)
Eduard Brandl Antiquitaten and Kunst
Where antiques shine like new
Beautiful antique furniture, jewelry, silver, paintings, sculpture and porcelain can been seen at this store along the exquisite Freyung Passage in Vienna's first district. The marbled walkway provides the perfect ambiance for this exclusive antique shop—so perfect, in fact, that there are actually two separated rooms along the hallway which house Hr. Brandl's acquisitions. His personal expertise in buying and selling for the shop lie in the area of bronzes, and most especially, Viennese bronzes.
Address: Freyung 2/Herrengasse 14 (Freyung Passage/Palais Ferstel) Vienna A-1010
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri; 10am-1pm Sat
Telephone: +43 1 533 84 14
Neighbourhood: 1st district - Inner City
Nearest train: (U-Bahn) Herrengasse (U3)
Antiques, modern, conservative
This store has a wide assortment of colorful object'd art including Tiffany lamps, paintings, vases, knickknacks, Indian artifacts, busts, etc. It also houses a terrific selection of furniture mostly antique and classic in style. Browse through the store and you'll find small unexpected treasures like old-fashioned lace baby booties, some antique jewelry and a hand-painted umbrellastand. The merchandise is a qualified 'expensive', but come in anyway—this beautiful collection is almost as fun to look at as to own!
Address: Wiedner Haupstraße 44 Wien A-1040
Opening hours: 10am-6pm Tue-Fri; 9:30am-12:30pm Sat
Telephone: +43 1 585 46 78
Neighbourhood: 4th district - Wieden
Nearest train: (U-Bahn) Taubstummengasse (U1)
Buch am Stein
Tip for buying books for cheap
Buch am Stein is the book-shop for people without the big money for all these expensive hard covers. The motto of the store is offering exquisite books for the best price and a little more. You might be irritated by the weird mixture of the range offered but the place itself is an open, bright and friendly location. Notice also exhibitions, book presentations and lectures.
open hours: 9am-7:30pm Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm Sat
Address: Währinger Straÿe 2-4, Wien AT, A-1090
neighborhood: 9th district - Alsergrund
tel: +43 1 315 38 39
nearest train: Schottentor (U2, 1, 2, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43)
Buch und Wein
A good book and a glass of wine
Buch & Wein (book & wine) is a unique kind of bookshop where you can enjoy a good book and a bottle of wine in front of an open fire. There is a wide range of 20th century literature and some excellent Austrian wines to choose from. So while browsing for your favourite book you can also sample some of Austria's finest tipples. For those who like being read to, Buch & Wein also has an extensive range of talking books in stock.
open hours: 1pm-9pm Mon-Fri; 5pm-11pm Sat
tel: +43 1 533 08 86
address: Judengasse 1, Wien, Wien AT, 1010
nearest train: Stephansplatz: U3
neighborhood: 1st district - Inner City