События в октябре 2012 года
01 |
2012 |
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Виченца |
Vicenza Numismatica
Ente Fiera di Vicenza
Via dell’Oreficeria, 16
36100, Vicenza
Tel: (+39) 0444/969111
Fax: (+39) 0444/969000
Email: info@vicenzafiera.it
URL: www.vicenzafiera.it
Выставка нумизматики, филателии и колекционирования.
Vicenza Numismatica è il più importante appuntamento europeo per la numismatica, medaglistica e cartamoneta la cui peculiarità è di coniugare, con grande successo, l’aspetto commerciale con quello culturale. Vicenza Numismatica oltre ad essere una forte opportunità commerciale per i migliori numismatici italiani e stranieri, collezionisti e pubblico di competenti e appassionati, propone numerose mostre collaterali, uniche per qualità e spessore culturale e, al contempo, qualificati momenti di formazione e aggiornamento.
03-06 |
2012 |
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Пьяченца |
Место проведения: Piacenza Expo
Организатор: Sistematica srl
Адрес: Via G.B. Venturi, 32
Телефон: + 39 0573-533087
Факс: +39 0573-451463
Ярмарка филателистов, нумизматов и коллекционеров. Pantheon - ярмарка, посвященная коллекционерам нумизматики и филателии. Большое разнообразие редких, подлинных предметов частных коллекций удовлетворит даже самых требовательных посетителей. Количество участников и посетителей растет с каждым годом благодаря опытному организатору, специализированному предприятию в коммерциализации изделий Филателии, Нумизматики и Коллекционирования.
Тематические разделы выставки: Филателия, Нумизматика, Этикетки, Открытки, Пластиковые карты, другие коллекционные изделия.
05-06 |
2012 |
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Петерборо |
Peterborough Festival of Antiques
East of England Showground, Peterborough, Adjoining A1, PE26XE
Antiques Fair - up to 1700 stands. The show contains a spectacular array of antiques and collectables for sale within three permanent buildings, large marquees, market stalls and outdoor pitches.
Open: Friday general public 10am-4.30pm, Sat 9am - 4.30pm.
Early Trade £10.00 Admission £5.00.
Tel. 01664 812627
06-07 |
2012 |
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Берлин |
Numismata Berlin
Место проведения: на территории ярмарки (Messegelände), зал № 9
Exhibition Center Berlin at the Radio Tower Hall 9 simultaneously with the Stamp Fair Berlin
Организатор: Numismata International
Адрес: Reichenbachstr. 17
Телефон: +49089/268-359
Факс: +49089/2609-060
NUMISMATA - это самая крупная международная ярмарка нумизматики в мире, с огромным ассортиментом монет, банкнот, ценных бумаг, а также антиквариата.
Множество коллекционеров всего мира представляют здесь классику нумизматики, что безусловно вызывает интерес как коммерсантов или профессионалов, так и дебютантов. На 3500 кв.м. выставочной площади более 250 участников представляют Вашему вниманию свои монеты начиная от античных времён до наших дней, банкноты, премонетные формы денег, исторически-ценные бумаги, акции, специальную литературу и аксессуары, а также многое, многое другое.
Ярмарки NUMISMATA проходят в трех крупных, прекрасно расположенных городах, куда из каждой федеральной земли Германии или любой точки мира очень удобно добраться. Эти ярмарки предоставляют большие возможности иностранным коммерсантам и коллекционерам быть в тесном контакте со своими клиентами и поставщиками, а также предлагают новые интересные, многообещающие бизнес-встречи.
06-27 |
2012 |
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Виктория |
Geelong Collectacbles and Bottle Show
Место проведения:Geelong Collectables Bottle Club Inc.
Geelong Showgrounds , Breakwater Rd Breakwater, Geelong Melways 453 D11
Время работы: Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Contact: David Smith 03 5243 4306 or 0419 434 306 Tracey Elso 03 5282 8117
Bi-Annual event of Antiques, Collectables. and Bottles. There will be many tables of swap and sell items.
07 |
2012 |
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Гиссен |
Место проведения Hessenhallen - Messe Giessen
Организатор: Messe Giessen GmbH
An der Hessenhalle 11
35398 Gießen
Telefon: +49 (0)641 962160
Telefax: +49 (0)641 9621610
Ярмарка - блошиный рынок.
An jedem ersten Sonntag des Monats lädt Hessens größter Hallenflohmarkt in die Giessener Hessenhallen ein: 5500 m² Hallenfläche und 3000 m² Freifläche stehen im Gießener Ausstellungszentrum Hessenhallen für den "Antik & Trödelmarkt" bereit.
Ob Haushaltswaren oder Kleidung, Spielzeug oder Schmuck, Schallplatten, Bücher oder Filme - für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei. Einzigartig ist allerdings das breite Angebot an antikem Mobiliar und wertvollen Sammlerpräziosen des Spezialmarktes. Da lacht das Sammlerherz und freut sich der Geldbeutel.
Seit 1996 ist der fest etablierte Antik & Trödelmarkt in der Stadt an der Lahn ein echter Dauerbrenner und lockt im Schnitt rund 3000 Besucher an, die in den Auslagen von etwa 200 Ausstellern nach lang ersehnten Lieblingsstücken oder spontanen Schnäppchen suchen.
Frei von Neuwaren, unabhängig von Wind und Wetter bietet sich auf einer Fläche von 5500 m² und einer optionalen Freifläche von 3000 m² die Möglichkeit, den Sonntagvormittag mal etwas anders zu verbringen - oder eine liebe Gewohnheit zu pflegen. Und wenn das Wetter mitspielt, kann dank des großzügigen Freigeländes der Hessenhallen aus einem Sonntagsausflug ein sonniges Open-Air-Erlebnis werden. Für ausreichend Parkplätze und das leibliche Wohl ist bestens gesorgt.
Der Preis pro qm beträgt € 3,75.
Ferner wird eine Reinigungs- und Müllgebühr in Höhe von je € 2,50 erhoben.
Die Stände müssen spätestens bis 7:45 Uhr besetzt sein! Stände die nach 7:45 Uhr noch frei sind, werden an andere Bewerber vergeben.
07 |
2012 |
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Форли |
Место проведения: Fiera di Forli
Организатор: Coine
Адрес: via Punta di Ferro, 2
Индекс: 47100
Телефон: +39 0543.090343
Факс: +39 0543.090344
Часы работы: с 9:00 до 19:00
info@commerciantiperungiorno.it; info@romagnafiere.it
Выставка бывших в употреблении товаров. Цель мероприятия: извлечь доход из неиспользуемых товаров покупая, продавая или обменивая. Частные продажи и обмены товарами, которые бесцельно хранятся в доме, гараже или на балконе.
Тематические разделы выставки: Арт, Открытки и штампы, Монеты, Обувь, Одежда, Газеты, книги и журналы, Куклы и игрушки,
Наручные часы и ювелирные украшения, Книги, Люстры, Диваны, Картины и ковры, Техника и многие другие вещи!
Descrizione Evento:
Mostra scambio dedicata alla compravendita di oggetti usati di ogni genere, Commercianti per un giorno è l’evento ideale per chi desidera proporre tutto ciò che ha conservato in qualche angolo di casa ma che resta da tempo inutilizzato. Commercianti per un giorno, mercatino dell’usato, dell’hobbistica e della rigatteria, perché niente deve essere abbandonato in cantina o gettato quando può essere messo in vendita.
Una grande varietà di prodotti, a Commercianti per un giorno, dalla telefoni ai computer, dal collezionismo all’antiquariato e poi video, audio e musica, oltre a tutti quegli oggetti usati di casa ancora funzionanti ed utilizzabili.
Dall’Hobbistica al decoupage e bricolage, e poi attrezzature sportive ed anche immobili, da permutare, affittare, vendere a Commercianti per un giorno, la fiera per il pubblico fatta dal pubblico. Commercianti per un giorno è l’incredibile opportunità di ricavare qualcosa proponendo proprie creazioni e testandone l’impatto sul pubblico, ma è anche un’ottima occasione per sbarazzarsi di tutti quegli oggetti abbandonati in soffitta.
Settori Merceologici:
Computer e accessori; notebook; periferiche; software; videogiochi; telefoni cellulari; arte; cartoline e francobolli; monete e banconote; schede telefoniche; macchine fotografiche; telecamere e televisori; radio e hi-fi; dischi; cd e dvd; musicassette e vhs; strumenti musicali; calzature; abbigliamento; giornali; libri e rivistre; bambole e giocattoli; orologi e bigiotteria; stampe e cornici; editoria; lampadari; divani e mobili; quadri e tappeti; elettrodomestici; hobbistica; bricolage e decoupage; attrezzature sportive; abitazioni e seconde case in vendita, in affitto, in permuta.
10 |
2012 |
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Newton-Le-Willows |
Haydock Park Antique and Collectors Market
Haydock Park Racecourse, Newton-Le-Willows, Merseyside
Mid Week Antique and Collectors Market set up for the buying and selling of Antique and Collectable items. Free admission to all Buyers Trade and Public from 6.30.am, Stalls both inside and outside selling Antique and Collectables, Vintage Retro Shabby Chic Old Jewellry Silver Ware Fashion Furniture Textiles Art and much much more. What Will You Find????
Hoyles Promotions
Tel. 01253 782828
11-14 |
2012 |
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Gijón |
Desembalaje de Antigüedades de Asturias 2012 Gijón
Организатор: Feria Asturias Recinto Ferial Luis Adaro
La feria desembalaje de Asturias 2012 celebrará este año en Gijón su décimo tercera edición entre los próximos días 11 al 14 de octubre de 2012 en las instalaciones del recinto ferial Luís Adoro.
En esta feria desembalaje de Asturias 2012 nos podremos encontrar una amplia representación de antigüedades de todo tipo, de ahí que sea un evento ideal tanto para los profesionales como para los amantes de las antigüedades.
12-14 |
2012 |
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Ольденбург |
Место проведения: Weser-Ems Halle
Europaplatz 12
26123 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)441 80030
Fax: +49 (0)441 80 03234
Организатор: Weser-Ems-Halle Oldenburg GmbH & Co. KG
Europaplatz 12
26123 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)441 80030
Fax: +49 (0)441 8003234
Искусство и антиквариат. Выставка антиквариата и предметов искусства.
Тематические разделы выставки: Искусство, Антиквариат, Картины, Аксессуары, Технологии, Литература.
The Nostalga with its high level, the only exhibition of its kind in the region - from art and antiques friends and lovers minerals already eagerly awaited. Many exhibitors from all over Germany show in this high-quality sales exhibition offering furniture, accessories, carpets, paintings, jewelry and silver, icons, porcelain from a variety of styles and the dazzling splendor of the minerals and modern art. Enrich the diversity of guarantee fair antique dealers, gallery owners and restorers with its extensive range.
13 |
2012 |
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Wrexham |
Wrexham Antiques & Collectors Fair
Memorial Hall, Bodhyfryd, Wrexham, Flintshire
Antiques & Collectors Fair, with up to 50 stalls selling a wide range of items, including Jewellery, Militaria, Ceramics, Glass, Clocks & Watches, Postcards, Pictures etc.
Open: 9.30am - 3.30pm. Admission £1, concessions 70p.
Tel. 01492 547868
14 |
2012 |
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Лондон |
Royal Horticultural Hall Antiques Fair (Lindley Hall)
Royal Horticultural Hall, Lindley Hall, Vincent sq, Victoria, London SW1 2PE
Over 140 exhibitors from around Europe selling a wide variety of good quality antiques and collectables from jewellery & silver to rugs and paintings at central London\'s longest running regular monthly Sunday antiques fair.
Open:10am - 4.30pm. Admission £4 accompanied under 16's free.
Tel. +44 (0)20 7254 4054
14 |
2012 |
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Пьяченца |
Piacenza Toys Expo
Место проведения: Galleria Commerciale Borgo Faxhall
Организатор: AIGEC
Адрес: Via Dante, 178
Телефон: +39 0372.35697
Факс: +39 0372.35697
Orari:9:30 -17 Ingresso gratuito
Mostra Mercato del giocattolo d'epoca e da collezione.
Выставка-обмен старинных и коллекционных игрушек. На этой выставке взрослые и дети смогут познакомиться с редкими экземплярами игрушек прошлого времени. Богатая витрина игрушек начиная с 60-х годов соберет любознательных посетителей и коллекционеров для обмена или приобретения раритетных экспонатов.
Тематические разделы выставки: старинные куклы, раритетные игрушки, коллекциoнные игрушки, жестяные игрушки, солдатики, поезда.
14 |
2012 |
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Warrington |
Park Royal Hotel Antiques and Collectors Fair
Park Royal Hotel, Stretton, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4NS
Antiques and Collectors Fair.(off junction 10 of the M56). 60 stands including furniture. Ample parking, food, refreshments and disabled facilities.
Open: Public From 10am till 4.00pm, Trade 8.30 - 10am (FWC).
Admission fee £2 per person. Concessions £1.50.
V & A Fairs
Tel. 01938 580438
14 |
2012 |
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Didcot |
Didcot Antiques Market
Didcot, Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot
Jay Fairs
Tel. 01235 815633
14 |
2012 |
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Mobberley |
Mobberley Antiques Fair
The Victory Hall, Town Lane, Mobberley near Knutsford, Cheshire
Held on the second Sunday of each month, except February and August. 30 stands offering good quality genuine antiques and collectables, including furniture, ceramics, glass, clocks ( plus repairs and restoration), metalware and jewellery. No modern reproductions. Established over 25 years.
Free parking. Excellent refreshments. Admission £1.50
Cranford Antiques Fairs
Tel. 07815 713548
14 |
2012 |
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Radcliffe on Trent |
Radcliffe Antiques and Collectors Fair
The Grange, Vicarage Lane, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottinghamshire
Antiques and Collectors Fair . Approx 40 stands. Refreshments and Cafeteria. Free car parking.
Open: 10am - 4pm. Admission £1, kids free.
ABC Antiques
Tel. 07912160260
14 |
2012 |
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Wilmslow |
Wilmslow Vintage Fashion and Textile Fair
Wilmslow Leisure Centre, Station Road Rectory Fields, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK91BU
Vintage Fashion and Textiles Fair. Refreshments and disabled access.
Opening TImes 10am - 4pm, Admission £3.00 & Free Parking.
Tel. 07809 236 607
14 |
2012 |
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Potters bar |
Pennyfarthing Fayre
Wyllotts Centre, Darkes Lane, Potters bar, Hertfordshire
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS FAIR. 70 QUALITY STANDS 10am-4pm Probably the most popular fair in the area for the past 20 years. Free parking and good food at a really friendly fair.
Admission Adults £2 Seniors £1.50 Trade F.W.C.
Tel. 01438 813060
15-17 |
2012 |
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Сеграте |
Выставка антиквариата (Сеграте, Ломбардия)
Место проведения: Parco Esposizioni Novegro
Организатор: COMIS Lombardia
Адрес: Via Novegro, Segrate
Индекс: 20090
Телефон: 02 70 20 00 22
Факс: 02 75 61 050 - 02 70 20 81 01
Fiera del collezionismo, delle curiosita e delle occasioni di antiquariato.
17 |
2012 |
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Бирмингем |
Birmingham, St Martins Market (the Rag) Antique/Co
Birmingham, St Martin's Market (The Rag) Edgbaston St. Birmingham B5 4RB
Known as Big Brum. Hundreds of stands plus unreserved pitches in annexe. A busy fair selling everything from dateline antiques to furniture, silver, jewellery, pictures and collectables.
Opens 7.30am. Admission free.
Tel. 01782 393660
20 |
2012 |
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Thirsk |
Thirsk Antiques Vintage and Collectables Fairs
Thirsk Auction Market, Blakey Lane, Thirsk, NORTH YORKSHIRE
Charming venue very large variety of Antiques. Dealers from all over North Yorkshire & Co Durham area. Nice cafe for refreshments, ample free parking. wheel chair friendly.free charity stall available. In the foyer of the Auction Mart. Capacity for approx 32 stands.
Open sellers from 7.30am, public 9.30 till 3.30 Admission 60p.
AMK Events
Tel. 01642711036
21 |
2012 |
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Kinver |
Kinver Antiques and Collectors Fair
Leisure Centre, Enville Road, Kinver, Nr. Stourbridge, West Midlands DY7 6AA
Antique and Collectors Fair. Trade 8.30am - 9.30am Free With Card: Public 9.30am - 4pm £1.50 (Concessions £1)
Tel. 07774 147197
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2012 |
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Benson |
Benson Antiques and Collectors Fair
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Nr. Wallingford, Oxfordshire
This quality antiques fair is held on the third Sunday of every month, AA signposted, 46 stalls, always fully booked.
Jay Fairs
Tel. 01235 815633
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2012 |
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Newmarket |
Newmarket Racecourse Antique and 20th Century Fair
Newmarket Racecourse (Rowley Mile), The Heath, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 0TF
Over 220 inside stands plus outside stands of Antiques, Art Deco and Collectables. Antique valuation roadshow. Free valuations and appraisals. Antique Restoration workshop. Trade - £6 - 8am, Public - £3.50 - 9am. Closes - 4pm
Tel. 01263 888111
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2012 |
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Nantwich |
Nantwich Civic Hall Antique and Collectors Fair
Civic Hall Nantwich, Beam Street, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5DG
Our long standing Antiques Fair at Nantwich Civic Centre remains a firm favourite with standholders and visitors. The hall is bright and spacious and holds 80 stands with parking right next to the venue.
Opening Times: Public: 10.00am to 4.00pm
Trade: 8.30am to 10.00am (Free with Card)
Thursdays - Adults: £1.20 Concessions: £1.00 Children: Free of Charge
Bank Holidays - Adults: £1.50 Concessions: £1.50 Children: Free of Charge
Refreshments Available. Full disabled facilities.
V & A Fairs
Tel. 01938 580438
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2012 |
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Chester |
Northgate Arena Antique and Collectors Fair
Northgate Arena Leiseure Centre, Victoria Road, Chester, CH2 2AU
Antique and Collectors Fair.
Admission £1.50, concessions £1, Accompanied children free.
Tel. 01824 703110
27-28 |
2012 |
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Мадрид |
Desembalaje de Madrid 2012 edición otoño: Feria de antigüedades
Место проведения: Casa de Campo de Madrid
Desembalaje de Madrid 2012 en su edición de otoño celebrará su trigésimo octava edición mostrándonos como siempre una amplia muestra de antigüedades de todo tipo.
Desembalaje de Madrid 2012 en su edición de otoño, se celebrará entre los próximos días 27 al 28 de octubre de 2012 en las instalaciones del recinto ferial de la Casa de Campo en Madrid, en concreto en las instalaciones del Pabellón de la Pipa.
28 |
2012 |
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Liskeard |
Pensilva Antiques & Collectors Fair
Millennium House, Pensilva, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 5NF
Something for everyone with a wide range of porcelain, glass, collectables, stamps, postcards, silver, jewellery and furniture.
Up to 70 stands. Disabled access. We buy at all afc fairs.
Open: 10am - 4pm Admission 50p.
Tel. 01872 510079
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2012 |
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Queensferry |
Deeside Leisure Centre Antiques and Collectors Fair
Deeside Leisure Centre, Queensferry, Flintshire, North Wales CH5 1SA
North Wales Largest Antiques Fair, Up to 120 stalls, good quality stalls, 1950 dateline, refreshments, unlimited free parking.
Admission £1.50, Concessions £1, accompanied children free.
Tel. 01824 703110
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2012 |
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Barnstaple |
Barnstaple Antique & Collectors Fair
The Cedars Hotel, Bickington Road,Sticklepath, Barnstaple, North Devon
Approximately 25 stalls at a regular monthly well established venue, selling jewellery, china, pottery, glass, books, silver, coins, linens, woodware, & small furniture.
Open 10.00 am until 4.00 pm. Admission is free.
Tel. 01805622794
28-30 |
2012 |
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Генова |
Symposium Mostre Srl
Piazzale J.F. Kennedy, 1
16129, Genova
Tel: (+39) 010/5451794
Fax: (+39) 010/5452980
Email: info@symposiummostre.com
URL: www.symposiummostre.com
Fiera dell'antiquariato che offre espositori provenienti da ogni parte d'Italia, con alcune partecipazioni internazionali. Un risultato importante che conferma l'interesse sempre maggiore del pubblico nei confronti dell'antiquariato. In alcuni stand e' possibile imparare ad intagliare il legno e a dipingerlo con la tinta ad olio, altri stand sono dedicati agli ultimi sviluppi informatici, altri ancora al servizio dell'antiquariato e del restauro... La fiera "Tuttantico" ha sempre coinvolto oggetti di diversa natura, capaci di soddisfare gusti ed esigenze di ogni tipo di visitatore: dai pezzi unici per gli intenditori, alle curiosità per gli eclettici, ai classici must-have per i neofiti, ai libri antichi per la gioia dei bibliofili e poi, stampe, gioielli, tappeti; un vero e proprio salotto del brocantage.