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Flea Markets are Income for Some, Treasures for Others
As the aftermath of the late 2001 economic meltdown in Argentina has forced a growing number of people to part with valuable antiques and family heirlooms as a way of raising much needed cash, flea markets have mushroomed around the capital, providing a source of unbelievable bargains for treasure-hunting visitors...
Автор: Viviano Alonso 
Источник публикации: ARTS WEEKLY/ARGENTINA

Фотографии блошиного рынка при Сан Тельмо
Автор: Бурляй В.А.

Буэнос Айрес, Сан Тельмо
Фотоотчет об уличных рынках аргентинской столицы
Автор: alex--k
Источник: VeniVidi.ru

San Telmo: history and art
The fairs of the Argentine capital have particular characteristics that turn them only. The old district of San Telmo, the architecture, the community and the diverse exhibitors of varied art forms are based on own life...
Автор: Dante Kings 
Источник публикации: Times of the World 

Antiquing around Buenos Aires, Argentina
Автор: Bob Frassinetti 

Antiques in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Автор: Bob Frassinetti

Antiques Fair, Palais de Galce, Recoleta
Автор: Bob Frassinetti

Buying Antiques in Argentina
Автор: Bob Frassinetti

Original Antiques found in Buenos Aires
Автор: Bob Frassinetti

Antiques and San Telmo
Автор: Bob Frassinetti

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